Reaching out to you...if you want to be reached....

This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too. Lost from everything, and yet hopefully found, I shall wait. God keep you, for God loves do I...

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This is to the times, when mighty Hidalgo rolled the high hills and slopes of the rocky mountains; when he bore cargo that would spawn lasting memories of music, warmth, dance, and sentiment; and how he would carry the life, and save the life of a man who's memories would become his future...both because of his past, and therefore invested in his future.

Thank you my dear Hidalgo, for bringing me cherished memories of which will never be forgotten, and keeping me in a state of true life, so I could create new memories as well.

God be with you Hidalgo, where ever you find your life now...

Thank you B....for everything, and I mean, everything :) ~J~

Radiance, Oel ngáti kámeie

Love, Me

Vir Fusc ven Dreacis

Sa'ia far'dwen de quel