Reaching out to you...if you want to be reached....

This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too. Lost from everything, and yet hopefully found, I shall wait. God keep you, for God loves do I...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A day in question

I woke up on the morning of August 8th 2017, with a question in my mind. "Should I go to work today?" That is probably a question that often plagues my mind on MOST days, but this day was different. You see, 30+ years ago a small infant was born, and this particular day marked the anniversary of that day, celebrated as a "Birthday". I wanted so bad to not go to work, but thought to myself, "Why?" I had nothing planned for the day except work, and this work week was particularly heavy indeed. I hadn't heard of anything else being planned for this particular day in question either, so I went to work like any other day. Work went along; the day remained busy; and the rigorous routine of the every day mundane continued its course through the passing hours. Amidst those hours, I expressed to my wife my desire to attend the cinema that evening and became sad, bordering upset, that her only response was "sorry". I sat in my silence, because this was "my birthday", and I wanted to go see a movie! I know, a boring activity for the celebration of the anniversary of my birth, but hey, nothing else was planned and that's what I wanted to do! Well, at least I thought nothing else was planned... My sweet wife had taken the time to plan a surprise gathering at my home that evening, with the dear people in my life that I love and cherish. I fulfilled the daily responsibility of picking up my children and bringing them home, helping them get settled, have a snack, and do some chores around the house. It wasn't till my wife got home, that she realized I was not myself. I wore the look of mild contempt on my face she could see, and apparently bore the image of "grumpy" so clearly that it could not have been mistaken. Yet, she continued with her happy smile, cheerful attitude, and altruistic activities. She set dinner in the oven, cleaned up the dishes, wiped down the counters and table, and prepared with delight, dinner for our family. After some time(which probably seemed like hours in my current moping state), she came to me to ask why I was sad or grumpy. "I'm fine." came the reply, but she knew better. She ALWAYS knows better. Here I was, thinking that on this day, I'd sit down to dinner, and nothing would be made to enhance the evening. I was sad, so my wife, in her depth of understanding, opted to spoil the surprise. "I invited people over tonight baby, to come visit, play games, and have some cake and ice cream for your birthday. I'm sorry to ruin the surprise...but I want you to have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY." I almost cried... I just wanted to do something dumb and selfish, go to the cinema, and be done. But she had something better in store, and opted to ruin it because I was a BUM. People started arriving at my front door. One at a time, my home began to fill up with people I adore. The night was fun and entertaining! Laughter adorned the walls all night long, and smiles painted the memories that I will never forget. Excitement and eagerness accompanied the conversations, and hugs and kisses bade farewells at the end of the night. My heart was full, and I could only hug my wife and hold her close in an effort to thank her for thoughtful planning that brought us all together, to share the experience of memory creation, and loving embraces. As I laid in bed, inviting sleep to take my thoughts away, I couldn't help but reflect upon how truly blessed I was. I have a dedicated wife, loving children, a haven to call home, and the means to sustain all of those things in my life. It was no longer a day in question. It had truly become, a Very Happy Birthday.