Reaching out to you...if you want to be reached....

This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too. Lost from everything, and yet hopefully found, I shall wait. God keep you, for God loves do I...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Angels and Demons

Ok, like I said I would be, I was for sure there at the midnight viewing of 'Angels and Demons'. My opinion of the film is that it was over all really really good. It captured most of the things that the book did, but it was a bit sudden on the actual start of the story into the plot. There was not a whole lot of intro, or explanation, or even the subtle type of opening like the book had. It jumped right in at conclave. It wasn't bad at all, just different. There were quite a few things different by way of roles played, and how they were portrayed, and what jobs some roles had throughout the movie, but I didn't mind it because key elements of the book were pretty different than key elements in the movie, but then they were all tied in through different character plots. I liked it! I really did. Not nearly the bloody film at all. The was some flesh branding but that is it, a few gun shots off here and there but nothing gory.

Like I said in my previous post about it, it is a movie that really addresses two sides of our society that seems to be at the most conflict most of the time. Very interesting movie if you like the controversial type of thing. Thats just me. I like it :)

Personal opinion: At the very least a must see, if only once.


Mindi said...

Still doesn't convince me to see it! But thanks for the review!

Lindsay Duerden said...

Yeah! I loved it too. I haven't read any of the books or seen the other movie but I loved this movie and have totally been inspired to read and watch them all. Good job Dan Brown and/or Ron Howard:)