There is very little that can explain the burning desire to be with someone who makes you feel like you belong in the heavens. Now I know that this may sound different to many people, but alas, it is what it is. She has been in my thoughts all week, and in my sunrise I just want to smile and tell her how much she reminds me of everything....
Many things tell me that her name is so important. It is the incantation of magical release! To speak it well, and proper, is to levitate the very calling of her name, and thus envelope yourself into the depth of her magnificence. I believe firstly that names are keys to the doorway of intimate intellect, and without possession of such keys we doom ourselves to mental famine.
She brings so much to my heart and mind, because there is so much in the meaning of her name. Everything about her name, spells the history of her life. Granted she may only have a short physical relationship with me, literally one week. But it is the emotional relationship that becomes everything....
I want you to meet B.E.L.L.A.
B - eautiful
E - legant
L - ovely
L - avish
A - ltruistic
No, I do not mean to say that what may appear to all of you as a simple motorcycle, possesses all of these things listed above. But rather, to suggest to you that the motorcycle's name, represents the very best in one whom possesses all of those qualities, and that the motorcycle itself is a manifestation of memory, and thus has earned the name because of such memory.
I wish I could explain how my heart has, at the christening of B.E.L.L.A., become intuitively bound to her...but it is indeed, something that can only come to one who has felt first hand the magnitude of her influence.
She is truly an entity of such awesome power. Having realized that, I understand that if I do not respect her, and the limitless nature of who SHE is, I could devastate elements of delicate structure.
B.E.L.L.A., I want you to know that although my heart cries for you, I shall wait till all things are in order...for she has not even a form that states she is legal, no plates that will allow her to be taken out to the streets, or up the canyon, or anywhere else she might feel to go. But B.E.L.L.A., my dear sweet B.E.L.L.A....she is in my heart when we are at a distance...
B.E.L.L.A. certainly is beautiful :)
what brand is BELLA?
B.E.L.L.A huh? well hmmm not sure what to say about that..
I just hope she takes good care of you back. :)
Tiave- When you write and publish a book will you let me know? Please. Your writing style is very interesting to me. I follow your thoughts well- or is it.... your words lead my imagination clearly.
Momma Decker
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