Reaching out to you...if you want to be reached....

This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too. Lost from everything, and yet hopefully found, I shall wait. God keep you, for God loves do I...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


...has been a little better than the rest of this week. Some updates of the season are as follows.

1) We had another competition for marching band yesterday(October 20) and the band did well. We took first over all in our class, but we only took one caption home; 'Outstanding musical performance'. Percussion took second by 0.7 points as did colorguard by the same amount. Visual was also second by 1.0 point. It doesnt' sound like very much but 1-6 place is usually between a 3.0 spread. I reviewed the film and know what we need to work on to improve our show as a guard, and hopefully this weekend at the TIMP comp we will do better. We are looking for a clean sweep and we hope it happens.

2) I am having a new Latin Medley done for my ballroom team and so far it is doing fantastic considering we haven't been able to work that medley for three weeks. It is suffering at present, but it should quickly come together starting tonight as we re-awaken its soul from slumber. I also had the costume seemstress come in today to take measurements for those costumes and finally get started on them. It leaves my soul excited for that to be completed.

3) I am looking into some possible graveyard security work, seeing how that may be the only time I would be able to work another job, during the dark hours of the revolution. It call for 32 hours/week monday-thursday. I know it would literally kill me if i ran a life like that, working everyday, and only sleeping for a couple hours a night if that, and then being able to sleep a couple hours during the day as well...I don't know if it is smart...but it might be needed....who knows??

4) There is a day in every life, where one must reflect on things past, things present, and things future. No one really knows the reasons why they were, are, or how they will be, but one will always question. I consider photo's I possess, letters I read, phone numbers I wish to call, and the mirror that I see every morning with the short and sweet message it carries, and only by request am I silenced...Yes, the information of conjured moments of greatness still bring a smile.

5) About the seems that the heart was willing to fight, even at the risk of losing loyalty from one close to me. Words became the fists that were swung, elevated voices became the knives that were thrown, and in the end guns of vocabulary were loaded and fired; It became dirty. The mess surely awoke the sleeping giant of anger and frustration, and nearly let loose its path of devastation. Thank goodness for the wake of calm that somehow found its way through the fire and the noise...settling my breaking heart, it took command of the situation and made manifest to me, the way to leave the beast at rest and still fight the battle in a manner fit for reconciliation. All has become well with it, and still the monster sleeps; where I hope to keep him until the end of reckoning. I cannot share the specific details of those involved, but know it is well...for now.

6) I cannot believe how much this world tells us we can not do...they truly want us to give up, or to give in to the pressures of inadequacies. How is it, that the world we are to succeed in, is so concerned with being the cause of frailty? My kids in education, struggle so much with the homes they live in and the world they EXIST in because all they hear is that they are incapable of performance. Damned to the depths to all those who promote that kind of mentality. To any of those who feel under the reigning hail of negligence and negativity, whether they be dear sentiments of my heart, new or veteran students of mine, simple aquaintances, or all the likes there-of, my will of mind and soul are out in reach to you. Rise above the voice of pessimism. Believe in yourself as much as I do. See what God see's in you. Only then will you know and realize what you are truly capable of, and then result in the true character and nature of what you will become.

This man speaks in truth, and always will, even if it may lead to his death...

I love you~

To everyone who may read,
God bless and God speed.


Tiauna Elise Noble said...

I'm so Very glad for the band. From what you say, you'll be working with them for this weekend's comp. I know you will do great things! and that they will make you proud.
As for your dear dancers that are in my heart as well, and always praying for them and you. I'm very excited that your seamstress has come! Does this mean it a go? I'm hoping! :) because all the hope in my heart always is for the benefit of others that I have great thoughts of. I know the kids are going to do great! And they are going to surely make you proud also!
An overnight job scares me for you. However, I have faith and I know that the Lord will help you through all. (you may have to cut back on play time. :) but, I think you will be fine. You find play in every moment of your life!)Just remember you have many who love you dearly and are always here by your side to help you!
For your monster, I do not know of whom is involved, but, I know that you are a man that always has his heart in the right place, and you tend to always make things right, even when you may believe at times you do not! Your decisions result from the man you are. And you are a Great Man!
Tiave, I may not always be able to say what you need, and I may not have said everything for you in this. But, you always have me. I'm always around for you. And have so much Hope for you! The Lord has blessed you with a great mind, a beautiful soul, and a loving Heart. Always cherish those gifts.
Have a wonderful day, and believe in much as I believe in you..(as you always say)
Peace be with you!
and Love to...Alofa ia te oe!
-Tiauna Beckes

Justin said...

Needless to say time has taken it's toll, and I definitely feel much out of the loop as compared to years ago. I'm glad to hear things are going well, and at the same time a little sad that we're not as involved as each other's lives as we were back in the "good old days". My thoughts on your post are this: as a future health care professional, I would like you to seriously think about the effects of getting such little sleep on your life and health. I agree with Tiauna, if you need to do it the Lord will sustain you, but we also have to do our part. We're not as young as we used to be! ;) Sleep is an essential part of good health, and you need your health to meet your current responsibilities at the best level that you can and I know you want to. So that's my thought. Nothing like good ol' graveyard security work, eh? Ahh, the good old days....

Love ya bro. Keep in touch.