His name is Hidalgo. Name taken from a film wherein a man's horse was named Hidalgo. A great film of adventure, intrigue, loyalty, risk, and love, Hidalgo served as the man's primary loyalty. Vast memories he held with Hidalgo, harnessed and cultivated with sentiment that could not be compared with any others in his class. Though there were many that were similar, this one was indeed special because of the way he was raised. He lived with him, ate with him, raced with him, and then eventually Hidalgo saved his life. Hidalgo was chosen for this particular Entity in my life because He and I have done the very things that had been done in the film...and eventually, he even saved my life....
Her name is Trinity. Also taken from the concept of a film titled "The Matrix". Trinity's roll was designed to be one of the main assisting factors in the main character's(Neo) quest to understanding. Although she was skeptical at first, as was I, in the naming of this Entity, confirmation came to me when I had a unique experience with her. Waiting for a red light to change to green, a 2007(Year being 2006) Toyota Celica pulled up next to me with a man wearing a suit and sunglasses. He turned to me, gave me the look, and when the light flashed to green we were off. Suddenly the message came to me..."an agent" was on my tail, and she was in flight to make sure she stayed ahead. Pure heart, and clean black curves, Trinity had become true to her name, outrunning the agent, and out living her expected life. As had become tradition with all entities, she too saved my life....
Many of you have met this Entity already. Graced with the name that no doubt is suitable for not only her appearance, this entity bears a name that holds true value in more ways than just one. Bella was given to honor the memory of a dear one close to me. Her name in actual script, B.E.L.L.A., serves as an acronym each letter representing a quality I found in such a dear friend.
B.E.L.L.A. then became the standard for which I would search....search for someone who could fill the void that had become the emptiness in my heart. Even as trinity had become the attending lady in my life, teaching me much, B.E.L.L.A. had become the living lady in my heart offering me the memory, and the standard that will remain with me till that emptiness be filled.
From the rolling mountain territory that governed the march of Hidalgo, to the standard of hope that had become of B.E.L.L.A., I offer you now the name of the Entity that now carries the endeavors of my heart in the world. This Entity was chosen based on a character concept in a video game. Becoming the protagonist in the story of a young character, Tidus is thrown into a world that was not his own, nor of his own interests. However seeing the need to be there, and the necessity of his existence there, he realized as he bonded with his new friends, that they will have much more in life than just to simply exist. Tidus has become the protagonist in my life, aiding in every way possible, becoming a savior in one of my direst times of secular and physical demand.
I present: Tidus
Every Entity, and I choose the word "Entity" because I believe that each one is such; an entity of life. I do not believe in inanimate life, because how can something be inanimate, if it is life? How can it be an inanimate object, when objects are made of the same things we are....life. They see and they feel. They hear and they listen. They speak and they understand. They live, and they love.
....such is the evolution of the past.....
1 comment:
LOVE the new addition!!! I'm also in a new addition...Chevy HHR. It's fun, and much better on gas than the Tahoe...although I do miss "The Hoe" and the safety I felt in her!
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