Ok its not really madness, its actually more like May...well, I guess its just may....
Firstly, to all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's day, God bless and God speed!
Secondly, concert was a raving success, and when I say raving, I mean RAVING! Not only did it turn out to be one of the best concerts I think I have seen my kids put on, but everything about it was very heart lifting, smile warming, and most of all, memorable....The students who took part in this years spring production were superb! They worked hard, and they deserved every sound of applause they received. The performance was stellar! Thank you, all of you!
Thirdly, lets talk movies!!!!
Movies this month that have been released, and are yet to be released are as follows:
May 1
-Ghosts of girlfriends past Starring
Matthew McConaughey and
Jennifer Garner- X-Men Origins - Starring
Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber
Okay "critics" ;) j/k....
X men origins: Absolutely fantastic! Always loved the story of logan, and how his history was proclaimed. The story differs slightly from the original stories of the comic books(yes, I used to be a slight comic junkie), but thats ok. The portrayal of his life in that movie was pretty much accurate.
Ghosts of girlfriends past: Looks great! Looks Funny! Always been a fan of M.C.'s acting through his career, and there was even a time when my good friend Matthew and I used to watch "Alias" on the TV, because we were loyal watchers of the show(and of Jennifer Garner, in fact it was because of her that we first started watching the show, and THEN it turned in to actual interest in the show). It kinda makes me wonder about the girlfriends I had in the past..... ;)
May 8th
-Star Trek
Ok, I am not a trekkie or anything like that. My best friend even gives me grief because I haven't seen any of the original movies that came out some years ago, I think even before I went on the mission and such. But from the prevue's it turned over a side of interest, and then it began to grow everytime I saw it. As it turned out, I ended up at one of the late night show times to watch it. I enjoyed it! Very entertaining, and quite enlightening as well! If I had the chance to see it again, I think I would.
May 15th
Brothers Bloom
Angels and Demons
Brothers Bloom:
I don't know much about this movie, but that it talks about two brothers I think...and their lives as con-artists. I love Mark Ruffalo, and I think that Brody is a pretty good actor too. I don't know if I will push to see this movie, but if I end up with the opportunity I won't complain.
Angels and Demons:
Ok...where do we start..??? I think this might be the movie I am MOST excited about to be released this summer which is saying something! Terminator Salvation(which I will talk about next) comes out, and I am sure I want to see this one more than that. DaVinci code was fabulous! It spoke of a hidden truth(or so it was claimed by the author), and really put an interesting perspective on one of the biggest religions in the world we live in. When I read it, and saw it I told people(especially of the LDS affiliation) that it could have the potential to sunder testimony if a testimony wasn't sound. I think it was incredible simply because everything I had learned and studied about theology and history seemed to run so perfect in the movie. It complimented both fields of studies, and yet it tested the nature of them both as well.
Angels and Demons does the same. It speaks both of Religion and Science, and in such an intricate way, compliments both, and yet challenges them both at the same time. It addresses the questions really asked by everyone in this world. Was it the weaving hand of science that over the evolutionary periods of time have shaped us to what we are? Or was it the omnipotent hand of Deity that molded our world, and us? Is it wrong to think that one could not be if the other prove true? Or is it so far out to really believe that one truly supports and proves the truth of both...and the other as well? It shows us the true epic battle of the two dominant forces of driven will in the world: Science and religion. It may have some brutal points in the movie, but I think that is important to have, considering that those two things throughout time have been the two most elements that blood has been shed over. The two things in time that people were willing to die for...There is no question about it. I KNOW I will be there, at midnight make no mistake about it! ;)
May 21st
Terminator Salvation
Okay, this is the other one this month that I am dying to see! It is a VERY clost second to Angels and Demons, but that doesn't make it at all any inferior to the above listed, only that my interest in it is different, in a different way.
Any one who has seen the series of Terminator movies knows that this one has been long waited, and well earned. In the first film the machine was sent from the future, to destroy Sarah Connor, so John Connor(the apparent savior of the war with the machines) would not even be born. In the second film, after John Connor had been born, two machines were sent back from the future. One was sent to protect John Connor, and the other was sent to complete the job the first one was sent to do, only it wasn't ordered to kill Sarah...it was ordered to kill the boy John Connor. In the third film, a machine was sent from the future to ensure that "skynet"(the program that will allow the rise of the machines to commence) is successfully set into play within the computer systems of the human world. But as always, another one was sent back to stop it from happening. What ends up happening? Machine is stopped, but skynet is still launched and in turn sends John into the underground to be "safe", but it was actually so he and his wife could produce, while in the underground facility, the resistance team that will be used in the final war against the machines.
Finally, in the fourth film, here is what happens. A machine is sent back through time, but has not knowledge that it is a machine, and is under the belief that he is a human fighting with the resistance. What happens next...??? I don't know! It hasn't come out yet!!!
What a good month! I can't wait....I know this may be a little premature for the month of June, but just as excited as I am for Angels and Demons....is the movie Transformers 2! Yes!!!!!!
Ok I will stop blabbering about nothing important and let you all get back to your important lives. Good luck, and hope to see you all at the movies!!
God Bless!