Arthur had Excalibur
Billy the Kid had his "six shooter"
Drizzt used Icing death and Twinkle
Alan Quartermain with Matilda
Hiro Nakamura weilded the sword of Kensei
Catti-Brie held fast to Kazhidea and Taulmaril
Aegis-fang was wielded bravely by Wulfgar.
Gandalf bore down with Glamdring
Aragorn and Anduril...and the list could go on.
It seems I have found a weapon of such proportion, that it has become a two edged sword in my possession. It is not physical, but rather, metaphorical...I don't claim to be any kind of hero, or to be the material of legend or even lore. I speak only of a weapon of such devastating power.
In a world of turmoil and trouble, fear and anxiety, mankind is left with a mind and heart full of despair because of the desire to be heard. The voice of the people has become a spell designed to breed hatred and segregation. It is cast openly and without restraint, aimed at the hopes for future generations.
Stupid, incapable, irresponsible, and useless. These are but a few of the incantations used to cast these spells. Humans spend their time awake, preparing these spells in the days they live, so when the moment of opportunity comes they can release the power of this wielded craft in full force against another of the same creation...humans.
Too often are these incantations used without thought of the result. As with all spells, these as well, have devastating properties. They inflict the mind, and torment the heart, torturing the existence of the host and leaving nothing but a wake of destruction upon the soul. How does the society justify this kind of activity? Because the incantation could result in a new promotion? A pay raise? Or even self gratification and no other reason?
Now it is, that I speak of this weapon. Silence. It is a weapon with the capacity to destroy. I have found the ability to wield it in a way, that when silent, it too, will silence others, creating fear behind me; driving obedience. Silence has become my blade of power! I find myself using it to drive accomplishment, or to thwart a conflict, and ultimately to divide asunder a world of torment and turmoil, leaving in its destructive wake, its name, echoing....longer and longer for more people to hear.
After swinging this mighty sword of justice, and gaining the desired result with its name, "silence", I am then left comforted by the vast sound of its serenity. Silence. Where once loud and tumultuous, the world then becomes quiet and peaceful....
...and then the back swing of the same sword occurs....the two edged sword.
I wake.
I see.
I plea.
And I hear...
...for I am still in a world of silence.
And though silence may be serene and long would you last in a world that you have created? When the only element in existence, aside from the silence you longed for... you?
I am then struck by his loyal companion, "Awe", and I am forced to break the bond of silence in order to be heard...before I am driven mad....and then I too, become part of a system that is operated by a society...whose only knowledge is built upon incantations designed to destroy.
But my incantations are....silent....
Noise fills the emptiness, rushing in like a waterfall over an edge, guided by a swift wind...and I remain struck by the very sword I carry....realizing the predicament I stand in.

I must strike with the sword of silence to maintain order in chaos...
...and I must be struck in order to continue...
It's hard biting your tongue, isn't it? Or even 'silencing' your fingertips from the world of texts. I hear your silent plea. ;)
So much could be said...but silence shall take its place, for the most part...
When you feel the need to break the Silence, remember what I said the other night about worlds...
There is always hope. And when that seems shattered itself, somehow the substance that fills the space is there, surrounding but not suffocating, quiet but not silent, open but with loving arms. Can/will you let it?
-Oel Ngati Kameie-
Love, Me.
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