Wednesday, August 9, 2017
A day in question
I woke up on the morning of August 8th 2017, with a question in my mind. "Should I go to work today?" That is probably a question that often plagues my mind on MOST days, but this day was different. You see, 30+ years ago a small infant was born, and this particular day marked the anniversary of that day, celebrated as a "Birthday".
I wanted so bad to not go to work, but thought to myself, "Why?" I had nothing planned for the day except work, and this work week was particularly heavy indeed. I hadn't heard of anything else being planned for this particular day in question either, so I went to work like any other day.
Work went along; the day remained busy; and the rigorous routine of the every day mundane continued its course through the passing hours.
Amidst those hours, I expressed to my wife my desire to attend the cinema that evening and became sad, bordering upset, that her only response was "sorry". I sat in my silence, because this was "my birthday", and I wanted to go see a movie! I know, a boring activity for the celebration of the anniversary of my birth, but hey, nothing else was planned and that's what I wanted to do!
Well, at least I thought nothing else was planned...
My sweet wife had taken the time to plan a surprise gathering at my home that evening, with the dear people in my life that I love and cherish. I fulfilled the daily responsibility of picking up my children and bringing them home, helping them get settled, have a snack, and do some chores around the house. It wasn't till my wife got home, that she realized I was not myself. I wore the look of mild contempt on my face she could see, and apparently bore the image of "grumpy" so clearly that it could not have been mistaken. Yet, she continued with her happy smile, cheerful attitude, and altruistic activities.
She set dinner in the oven, cleaned up the dishes, wiped down the counters and table, and prepared with delight, dinner for our family. After some time(which probably seemed like hours in my current moping state), she came to me to ask why I was sad or grumpy. "I'm fine." came the reply, but she knew better.
She ALWAYS knows better.
Here I was, thinking that on this day, I'd sit down to dinner, and nothing would be made to enhance the evening. I was sad, so my wife, in her depth of understanding, opted to spoil the surprise.
"I invited people over tonight baby, to come visit, play games, and have some cake and ice cream for your birthday. I'm sorry to ruin the surprise...but I want you to have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY."
I almost cried...
I just wanted to do something dumb and selfish, go to the cinema, and be done. But she had something better in store, and opted to ruin it because I was a BUM.
People started arriving at my front door. One at a time, my home began to fill up with people I adore. The night was fun and entertaining! Laughter adorned the walls all night long, and smiles painted the memories that I will never forget. Excitement and eagerness accompanied the conversations, and hugs and kisses bade farewells at the end of the night.
My heart was full, and I could only hug my wife and hold her close in an effort to thank her for thoughtful planning that brought us all together, to share the experience of memory creation, and loving embraces.
As I laid in bed, inviting sleep to take my thoughts away, I couldn't help but reflect upon how truly blessed I was. I have a dedicated wife, loving children, a haven to call home, and the means to sustain all of those things in my life.
It was no longer a day in question. It had truly become, a Very Happy Birthday.
Monday, May 21, 2012
So here it is, the newest potential member of the family.
A Home.
It is said that homes can take on a personality of their own, or that it can build a family a certain way. Likewise, I family can build a home a certain way and can take on a personality of its own. So how do you take two entities such as these and merge the ideas to build a personalized home based on the unique set of family principles and values.
The answer is Love.
Love for the family, love for the home, love for the person(s) building those elements, love for the idea's and ideals that will make the merge a beautiful and lasting memory, and of course, love for love itself.
I am excited to see this through. I say "potential" member of the family because we are not currently under contract for the home, but our offer has been accepted by the bank. Now comes the process of signing documents and paper work, negotiations, counter offers, and once that is all done, the TLC that will be required to turn the house into a home.
It has been some time since the last update on my blog but I am gonna try and keep it steady again. I know that has been said again before, and it will probably be said again if needs be. But this is to the future of endeavors, for what is the future at all, without the investment into the endeavor.
A Home.
It is said that homes can take on a personality of their own, or that it can build a family a certain way. Likewise, I family can build a home a certain way and can take on a personality of its own. So how do you take two entities such as these and merge the ideas to build a personalized home based on the unique set of family principles and values.
The answer is Love.
Love for the family, love for the home, love for the person(s) building those elements, love for the idea's and ideals that will make the merge a beautiful and lasting memory, and of course, love for love itself.
I am excited to see this through. I say "potential" member of the family because we are not currently under contract for the home, but our offer has been accepted by the bank. Now comes the process of signing documents and paper work, negotiations, counter offers, and once that is all done, the TLC that will be required to turn the house into a home.
It has been some time since the last update on my blog but I am gonna try and keep it steady again. I know that has been said again before, and it will probably be said again if needs be. But this is to the future of endeavors, for what is the future at all, without the investment into the endeavor.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A short update.
Life is life. I am here at work and it seems as though filling the day does only one thing. It fills the day. I guess the next thing to do is decide with what to fill it with. Family, friends, movies, parks, sports, card games, video games, and anything else that might seem like a good thing. Is that what it is that makes us who we are? What we fill our day with...? Or is it what our day fills us with? Is there a difference?
I work for American Family Insurance as a second job, and it is all well and good. But I fear it will not last long. Office may very well be closing soon, and I am not sure the insurance industry is for me...My father as well says I sholdn't get involved with it.
I am told it can be a good gig if I can make it independant. But to make any kind of decent income as an agent, one must have approx 3500 policies under you as an agent. The two agents I work with currently, one has been here for 11 years and he only has approx 1800 policies, and the other only has about 1900...both of which are just over half of what you need to make a decent living as an insurance agent.
I know everything isn't about the money...but there are times when the money has to be a priority right? When for a short while, it IS about the make enough to pay bills, save, invest, or just love.
I will keep in with this gig until the opportunity runs short of value and then I also have D1. Hopefully it will be able to save me as well. Good times hard times. It is all for learning and experience.
I miss this place...
I work for American Family Insurance as a second job, and it is all well and good. But I fear it will not last long. Office may very well be closing soon, and I am not sure the insurance industry is for me...My father as well says I sholdn't get involved with it.
I am told it can be a good gig if I can make it independant. But to make any kind of decent income as an agent, one must have approx 3500 policies under you as an agent. The two agents I work with currently, one has been here for 11 years and he only has approx 1800 policies, and the other only has about 1900...both of which are just over half of what you need to make a decent living as an insurance agent.
I know everything isn't about the money...but there are times when the money has to be a priority right? When for a short while, it IS about the make enough to pay bills, save, invest, or just love.
I will keep in with this gig until the opportunity runs short of value and then I also have D1. Hopefully it will be able to save me as well. Good times hard times. It is all for learning and experience.
I miss this place...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
This is to the times, when mighty Hidalgo rolled the high hills and slopes of the rocky mountains; when he bore cargo that would spawn lasting memories of music, warmth, dance, and sentiment; and how he would carry the life, and save the life of a man who's memories would become his future...both because of his past, and therefore invested in his future.
Thank you my dear Hidalgo, for bringing me cherished memories of which will never be forgotten, and keeping me in a state of true life, so I could create new memories as well.
God be with you Hidalgo, where ever you find your life now...
Thank you B....for everything, and I mean, everything :) ~J~
Radiance, Oel ngáti kámeie
Love, Me
Vir Fusc ven Dreacis
Sa'ia far'dwen de quel
Thank you my dear Hidalgo, for bringing me cherished memories of which will never be forgotten, and keeping me in a state of true life, so I could create new memories as well.
God be with you Hidalgo, where ever you find your life now...
Thank you B....for everything, and I mean, everything :) ~J~
Radiance, Oel ngáti kámeie
Love, Me
Vir Fusc ven Dreacis
Sa'ia far'dwen de quel
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The latest writ, based on a simple concept....
Today is the day, When the world will see...
How the vision of the unseen Is quite extraordinary.
To see the wind, Or taste the sound
And know in your heart The soul has been found.
It is not love Of that which I speak
But rather the soul In times that it's weak.
For in those moments When weakest we seem,
We see the visions of Our most longing dream.
Hearts full of hope To venture we dare,
To build from our dream A reality somewhere.
But struggling we try And with no avail
The hope we once had We find we could sell...
For a moment or two We lost in the past;
Fooled by the time We thought that would last.
Taken by breath And left then with none,
Ours visions collapse For strength they have none.
Stripped of desire, Passion, and will
Our hearts turn to madness...Silent and still.
Though the room it be taut, With voices anew;
But What's left of hope, Is dwindling and few...
For unseen I know, Is the future i see.
If i truly believe that...Than extraordinary... could be.
From the bondage arise And the chains you will see,
That shattered with new hopes, You soon shall break free.
Alas it is mine, to know once again
That dreams are alive but I must begin.
To reach for the breath I need to live
And learn in my days The world to forgive.
Blame not the lives Of those gone before,
For the emptiness I have Can be gone, it is sure.
Then live, smile, breath, and see,
that the unknown and unseen.... truly extraordinary.
How the vision of the unseen Is quite extraordinary.
To see the wind, Or taste the sound
And know in your heart The soul has been found.
It is not love Of that which I speak
But rather the soul In times that it's weak.
For in those moments When weakest we seem,
We see the visions of Our most longing dream.
Hearts full of hope To venture we dare,
To build from our dream A reality somewhere.
But struggling we try And with no avail
The hope we once had We find we could sell...
For a moment or two We lost in the past;
Fooled by the time We thought that would last.
Taken by breath And left then with none,
Ours visions collapse For strength they have none.
Stripped of desire, Passion, and will
Our hearts turn to madness...Silent and still.
Though the room it be taut, With voices anew;
But What's left of hope, Is dwindling and few...
For unseen I know, Is the future i see.
If i truly believe that...Than extraordinary... could be.
From the bondage arise And the chains you will see,
That shattered with new hopes, You soon shall break free.
Alas it is mine, to know once again
That dreams are alive but I must begin.
To reach for the breath I need to live
And learn in my days The world to forgive.
Blame not the lives Of those gone before,
For the emptiness I have Can be gone, it is sure.
Then live, smile, breath, and see,
that the unknown and unseen.... truly extraordinary.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The two edged sword...
Bearing through the walls of time and the fables of history, are tales of great exploits; stories of true valor; and legends of heroes that are forged by courage and tempered in trial. Along with each hero is the story of his/her accompanying loyalty; their weapon in hand.
Arthur had Excalibur
Billy the Kid had his "six shooter"
Drizzt used Icing death and Twinkle
Alan Quartermain with Matilda
Hiro Nakamura weilded the sword of Kensei
Catti-Brie held fast to Kazhidea and Taulmaril
Aegis-fang was wielded bravely by Wulfgar.
Gandalf bore down with Glamdring
Aragorn and Anduril...and the list could go on.
It seems I have found a weapon of such proportion, that it has become a two edged sword in my possession. It is not physical, but rather, metaphorical...I don't claim to be any kind of hero, or to be the material of legend or even lore. I speak only of a weapon of such devastating power.
In a world of turmoil and trouble, fear and anxiety, mankind is left with a mind and heart full of despair because of the desire to be heard. The voice of the people has become a spell designed to breed hatred and segregation. It is cast openly and without restraint, aimed at the hopes for future generations.
Stupid, incapable, irresponsible, and useless. These are but a few of the incantations used to cast these spells. Humans spend their time awake, preparing these spells in the days they live, so when the moment of opportunity comes they can release the power of this wielded craft in full force against another of the same creation...humans.
Too often are these incantations used without thought of the result. As with all spells, these as well, have devastating properties. They inflict the mind, and torment the heart, torturing the existence of the host and leaving nothing but a wake of destruction upon the soul. How does the society justify this kind of activity? Because the incantation could result in a new promotion? A pay raise? Or even self gratification and no other reason?
Now it is, that I speak of this weapon. Silence. It is a weapon with the capacity to destroy. I have found the ability to wield it in a way, that when silent, it too, will silence others, creating fear behind me; driving obedience. Silence has become my blade of power! I find myself using it to drive accomplishment, or to thwart a conflict, and ultimately to divide asunder a world of torment and turmoil, leaving in its destructive wake, its name, echoing....longer and longer for more people to hear.
After swinging this mighty sword of justice, and gaining the desired result with its name, "silence", I am then left comforted by the vast sound of its serenity. Silence. Where once loud and tumultuous, the world then becomes quiet and peaceful....
...and then the back swing of the same sword occurs....the two edged sword.
I wake.
I see.
I plea.
And I hear...
...for I am still in a world of silence.
And though silence may be serene and long would you last in a world that you have created? When the only element in existence, aside from the silence you longed for... you?
I am then struck by his loyal companion, "Awe", and I am forced to break the bond of silence in order to be heard...before I am driven mad....and then I too, become part of a system that is operated by a society...whose only knowledge is built upon incantations designed to destroy.
But my incantations are....silent....
Noise fills the emptiness, rushing in like a waterfall over an edge, guided by a swift wind...and I remain struck by the very sword I carry....realizing the predicament I stand in.

I must strike with the sword of silence to maintain order in chaos...
...and I must be struck in order to continue...
Arthur had Excalibur
Billy the Kid had his "six shooter"
Drizzt used Icing death and Twinkle
Alan Quartermain with Matilda
Hiro Nakamura weilded the sword of Kensei
Catti-Brie held fast to Kazhidea and Taulmaril
Aegis-fang was wielded bravely by Wulfgar.
Gandalf bore down with Glamdring
Aragorn and Anduril...and the list could go on.
It seems I have found a weapon of such proportion, that it has become a two edged sword in my possession. It is not physical, but rather, metaphorical...I don't claim to be any kind of hero, or to be the material of legend or even lore. I speak only of a weapon of such devastating power.
In a world of turmoil and trouble, fear and anxiety, mankind is left with a mind and heart full of despair because of the desire to be heard. The voice of the people has become a spell designed to breed hatred and segregation. It is cast openly and without restraint, aimed at the hopes for future generations.
Stupid, incapable, irresponsible, and useless. These are but a few of the incantations used to cast these spells. Humans spend their time awake, preparing these spells in the days they live, so when the moment of opportunity comes they can release the power of this wielded craft in full force against another of the same creation...humans.
Too often are these incantations used without thought of the result. As with all spells, these as well, have devastating properties. They inflict the mind, and torment the heart, torturing the existence of the host and leaving nothing but a wake of destruction upon the soul. How does the society justify this kind of activity? Because the incantation could result in a new promotion? A pay raise? Or even self gratification and no other reason?
Now it is, that I speak of this weapon. Silence. It is a weapon with the capacity to destroy. I have found the ability to wield it in a way, that when silent, it too, will silence others, creating fear behind me; driving obedience. Silence has become my blade of power! I find myself using it to drive accomplishment, or to thwart a conflict, and ultimately to divide asunder a world of torment and turmoil, leaving in its destructive wake, its name, echoing....longer and longer for more people to hear.
After swinging this mighty sword of justice, and gaining the desired result with its name, "silence", I am then left comforted by the vast sound of its serenity. Silence. Where once loud and tumultuous, the world then becomes quiet and peaceful....
...and then the back swing of the same sword occurs....the two edged sword.
I wake.
I see.
I plea.
And I hear...
...for I am still in a world of silence.
And though silence may be serene and long would you last in a world that you have created? When the only element in existence, aside from the silence you longed for... you?
I am then struck by his loyal companion, "Awe", and I am forced to break the bond of silence in order to be heard...before I am driven mad....and then I too, become part of a system that is operated by a society...whose only knowledge is built upon incantations designed to destroy.
But my incantations are....silent....
Noise fills the emptiness, rushing in like a waterfall over an edge, guided by a swift wind...and I remain struck by the very sword I carry....realizing the predicament I stand in.

I must strike with the sword of silence to maintain order in chaos...
...and I must be struck in order to continue...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Stranger than fiction
It seems to me that fiction is never written without a co-existence of its opposite. In every truth there is some untruth, and every untruth is based on a certain truth. How is it then that we are to determine where each one is draws a line. How often should we mingle truth with untruth in order to protect? And how much should we "lie" in order to maintain relations...?
Is it worth it to sacrifice a measure of integrity? I know I have said that I believe there is a time for an appropriate lie, and that that I still hold. Does that make me a hypocrite?
Where should I draw the line between truth and untruth?
Where do I measure the worth of my integrity?
How to I maintain who I am?
How do we all maintain who we are...if there is indeed such thing as the "appropriate lie"?
God help us all, if we cannot learn it for ourselves...
Is it worth it to sacrifice a measure of integrity? I know I have said that I believe there is a time for an appropriate lie, and that that I still hold. Does that make me a hypocrite?
Where should I draw the line between truth and untruth?
Where do I measure the worth of my integrity?
How to I maintain who I am?
How do we all maintain who we are...if there is indeed such thing as the "appropriate lie"?
God help us all, if we cannot learn it for ourselves...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A naked curiosity...
...that I love so much to write and yet I feel like finding the urgency, or subjects to write, somehow elude me. I want to write...I love the release of bottled energy felt when I can compose the dictates of desire, and know that it is indeed how I feel.
How do I do that...I know other dear friends of mine will write about the life they live, day to day, and I love that! It becomes an open journal for friends to keep in touch, and enjoy how life progresses. I feel like that isn't quite me...its not quite what I do....not quite what feels right to me...
I use the "naked curiosity" because that is how I because I have nothing to hold on to, nothing to share, nothing to keep, nothing to protect....naked. And then the status of mind is simply that curiosity overwhelms me, because I simply don't understand...
....a little help....
Am I crazy??
How do I do that...I know other dear friends of mine will write about the life they live, day to day, and I love that! It becomes an open journal for friends to keep in touch, and enjoy how life progresses. I feel like that isn't quite me...its not quite what I do....not quite what feels right to me...
I use the "naked curiosity" because that is how I because I have nothing to hold on to, nothing to share, nothing to keep, nothing to protect....naked. And then the status of mind is simply that curiosity overwhelms me, because I simply don't understand...
....a little help....
Am I crazy??
Friday, September 17, 2010
It Is Said Some Lives Are Linked Across Time.....
They Are Connected By An Ancient Calling.....Destiny.
I believe in the link through time...and the connection as well.
My friend posted this about a movie she saw recently, and she thought it was good! I, like her was very skeptical about the movie at first, but as trailers and reviews and such started to be released my skepticism started to dissolve a little at a time.

I have been a very big fan of the Prince of Persia games ever since the first one was released on PC years and years ago. I have followed the stories, and chapters of the Prince, learning his life and experiences, and I have loved them. So naturally when this movie was proposed, I was indeed skeptical, because it had potential to just suck.
Then I learned that Jerry was producing it, along with the skill and talent that Disney had. It started to have potential to be good.
I watched it in the theater at midnight like I always do. I was not upset with it at all. Disney took their graphic tech to a whole new level, and as always, Jerry delivered as only Jerry can! And now I own the movie on blue ray...because its the only way to view a film now... =)
How would it be to release the fabled sands of time, to turn back critical moments in our history, and set right what should have been? Such an incredible concept! And equally as awesome, is the statement about family, and brothers:
"...the bond between brothers, that is the sword that defends our empire; I pray that that sword stays strong."
Many a time I have reflected on this quote since viewing the film, and wondered if I have cultivated the bond between my brothers and me, the bond that would defend our empire, or perhaps, our families. Have I done enough, that I could feel worthy of the title "Brother"? Every man would like to be able to say "Yes", but in all honesty, it can only go as far as a deep hope.
That is the reason why I love to watch movies so much, to find the message that is written in the cinematography; and in this film, there is truly a message to be heard, and hopefully understood by all those who hear...
They Are Connected By An Ancient Calling.....Destiny.
I believe in the link through time...and the connection as well.
My friend posted this about a movie she saw recently, and she thought it was good! I, like her was very skeptical about the movie at first, but as trailers and reviews and such started to be released my skepticism started to dissolve a little at a time.

I have been a very big fan of the Prince of Persia games ever since the first one was released on PC years and years ago. I have followed the stories, and chapters of the Prince, learning his life and experiences, and I have loved them. So naturally when this movie was proposed, I was indeed skeptical, because it had potential to just suck.
Then I learned that Jerry was producing it, along with the skill and talent that Disney had. It started to have potential to be good.
I watched it in the theater at midnight like I always do. I was not upset with it at all. Disney took their graphic tech to a whole new level, and as always, Jerry delivered as only Jerry can! And now I own the movie on blue ray...because its the only way to view a film now... =)
How would it be to release the fabled sands of time, to turn back critical moments in our history, and set right what should have been? Such an incredible concept! And equally as awesome, is the statement about family, and brothers:
"...the bond between brothers, that is the sword that defends our empire; I pray that that sword stays strong."
Many a time I have reflected on this quote since viewing the film, and wondered if I have cultivated the bond between my brothers and me, the bond that would defend our empire, or perhaps, our families. Have I done enough, that I could feel worthy of the title "Brother"? Every man would like to be able to say "Yes", but in all honesty, it can only go as far as a deep hope.
That is the reason why I love to watch movies so much, to find the message that is written in the cinematography; and in this film, there is truly a message to be heard, and hopefully understood by all those who hear...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Okay, many of you know if not all of you, that I don't watch very much TV at all...a show here and there, an episode of something here and there. The ones I really like are Pawn stars, deadliest warrior, and top shot. Even so, I don't even watch those regularly or anything, just an episode here and there.
A work associate of mine at the high school has been swearing up and down about a show on TV that he has just loved, and he just kept telling me how I needed to get into it, but I just couldn't do it!
Next I had a friend told me how much I needed to get into Nexflix. At first I told him how I thought it was pretty lame to do that, it is like paying to have my own blockbuster or hollywood video...why would I do that when I have my own DVD collection that could rival a blockbuster or a hollywood video. Don't ask me what changed...but I thought I would give it a shot. I registered for netflix.
Here is the problem now....
The TV show that my buddy told me I should watch was on netflix! I am a novice at the whole netflix thing and i didn't know that they had TV shows on there! But it was there, and now I am hooked on this new addiction called NETFLIX!!
The show in mention?

Heroes is quite the story and series about the people in an ordinary world, that discover they have extra-ordinary, or "special" abilities. How many times have we day dreamed about the ability to fly...or woke up during the night hoping to sling web from our finger tips, wield the power of rapid regeneration, or travel through time? They talk about how the world is not ready to accept the possibility of "special" abilities and the controversy that would take place if they did exist.
Why isn't the world ready to have these things? Did God really give the world this idea of such magnificence because it is impossible, or because it allows us a perspective of things that could be....? I believe there are things such as "special" abilities, and that as normal people, we are given gifts that are to be used to help those in our every day acquaintance.
I have always felt a strange presence of something it supernatural, unexplainable, extra-ordinary, miraculous or "special"...whatever the world decides to call it, I believe these are things that have been made known to us, by the man we call God. What else would it be, and by who else would it have been sent. It is to teach us the potential of who and what we are.
Unexpected as it was, watching this show has given me a smile that I thought would only come by my crazy imagination.
I love that if we want to be....we can be....
A work associate of mine at the high school has been swearing up and down about a show on TV that he has just loved, and he just kept telling me how I needed to get into it, but I just couldn't do it!
Next I had a friend told me how much I needed to get into Nexflix. At first I told him how I thought it was pretty lame to do that, it is like paying to have my own blockbuster or hollywood video...why would I do that when I have my own DVD collection that could rival a blockbuster or a hollywood video. Don't ask me what changed...but I thought I would give it a shot. I registered for netflix.
Here is the problem now....
The TV show that my buddy told me I should watch was on netflix! I am a novice at the whole netflix thing and i didn't know that they had TV shows on there! But it was there, and now I am hooked on this new addiction called NETFLIX!!
The show in mention?

Heroes is quite the story and series about the people in an ordinary world, that discover they have extra-ordinary, or "special" abilities. How many times have we day dreamed about the ability to fly...or woke up during the night hoping to sling web from our finger tips, wield the power of rapid regeneration, or travel through time? They talk about how the world is not ready to accept the possibility of "special" abilities and the controversy that would take place if they did exist.
Why isn't the world ready to have these things? Did God really give the world this idea of such magnificence because it is impossible, or because it allows us a perspective of things that could be....? I believe there are things such as "special" abilities, and that as normal people, we are given gifts that are to be used to help those in our every day acquaintance.
I have always felt a strange presence of something it supernatural, unexplainable, extra-ordinary, miraculous or "special"...whatever the world decides to call it, I believe these are things that have been made known to us, by the man we call God. What else would it be, and by who else would it have been sent. It is to teach us the potential of who and what we are.
Unexpected as it was, watching this show has given me a smile that I thought would only come by my crazy imagination.
I love that if we want to be....we can be....
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Ok, so I was able to go and listen to a former student of mine give a talk today because he was leaving on his mission this week. His name? Steven Pelham.
What a conduit of so much natural, free charisma!! He was so entertaining to listen to, and his talk was given so smoothly, that it felt like I was sitting on a calm river of words. Oh to have a loosed tongue, and to speak like he does. I know it was a blessing from his father in heaven, so on his next quest, it will serve him well.
I also got to see some very good friends of mine, Renae, Lisa, Lindsay, Dexter, and Emily! What good people! I miss them all so much!
And of course Sunday is a day of family, and mine was so crazy today! I was texting my dear friend Stephanie, and while I wasn't looking my sister sent her a text that said, "I think you're gay". She responded with a "What???"
My whole family was about on the floor laughing!! And I too was about in tears from laughing so hard! We then started talking about a time in vegas with my older brother. He had just got a new smart phone and didn't know how to use it. Be came to me and asked me if I knew how to use the camera on his phone, and I said yes. He then gave it to me to setup for him. Instead of setting up his camera, I logged in to his FB account and updated his DB status with this:
"There is only one thing that I love more than Beer...and thats Balls!"
Oh my, and my friends, and my family, were in absolute tears over that situation, because we all knew that he loves his beer!! He just paced the house all night, saying "kefe" all night because he didn't know how to delete the update! It was SO dang funny!!
Anyway, I wanted to tell about this day that was full of laughter, and fun, and love...and not so much of wonder. Which is a good thing, and I guess at the same time it could be a bad thing...who's to say?
Keep it real!
What a conduit of so much natural, free charisma!! He was so entertaining to listen to, and his talk was given so smoothly, that it felt like I was sitting on a calm river of words. Oh to have a loosed tongue, and to speak like he does. I know it was a blessing from his father in heaven, so on his next quest, it will serve him well.
I also got to see some very good friends of mine, Renae, Lisa, Lindsay, Dexter, and Emily! What good people! I miss them all so much!
And of course Sunday is a day of family, and mine was so crazy today! I was texting my dear friend Stephanie, and while I wasn't looking my sister sent her a text that said, "I think you're gay". She responded with a "What???"
My whole family was about on the floor laughing!! And I too was about in tears from laughing so hard! We then started talking about a time in vegas with my older brother. He had just got a new smart phone and didn't know how to use it. Be came to me and asked me if I knew how to use the camera on his phone, and I said yes. He then gave it to me to setup for him. Instead of setting up his camera, I logged in to his FB account and updated his DB status with this:
"There is only one thing that I love more than Beer...and thats Balls!"
Oh my, and my friends, and my family, were in absolute tears over that situation, because we all knew that he loves his beer!! He just paced the house all night, saying "kefe" all night because he didn't know how to delete the update! It was SO dang funny!!
Anyway, I wanted to tell about this day that was full of laughter, and fun, and love...and not so much of wonder. Which is a good thing, and I guess at the same time it could be a bad thing...who's to say?
Keep it real!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Nothing important!
I really meant it when I said this was nothing important...
.....but you still read it! LOL...
Ok, thanks for reading this seemingly unimportant post about nothing, I love you guys any way, anyone who still reads. ;)
God bless,
Oh yeah, one more thing...the answer of course is "you", I see you. But you, is not just you, it is you as the world, as my world, as your world, as a world...
Smile! =)
.....but you still read it! LOL...
Ok, thanks for reading this seemingly unimportant post about nothing, I love you guys any way, anyone who still reads. ;)
God bless,
Oh yeah, one more thing...the answer of course is "you", I see you. But you, is not just you, it is you as the world, as my world, as your world, as a world...
Smile! =)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Have you ever wondered.....
....what it means to have loyalty?
....what is meant when someone says I love you?
....what is heard through tears?
....what is felt in anger?
....what is understood amidst confusion?
....what emptiness feels like?
....what your name means to someone else?
....what the world thinks of you?
....what the soul looks like?
....what wind tastes like?
....what can endure through fire?
....what loneliness really feels like?
....what the future holds for you?
....what sounds the blindness can make?
....what your person speaks of when they move?
....what the eye can truly reveal?
...I have....
The funny thing is that the list of wonders goes on and on...and it never ends. And neither does time as I understand, it keeps filling the emptiness of what we don't know with everything that we will ever wonder...
Oel ngáti kámeie
P.S. Avatar comes out, re-released in special edition on thursday night at midnight!
...have you ever wondered where I will be at that precise time....???
I don't have to wonder... ;)
....what is meant when someone says I love you?
....what is heard through tears?
....what is felt in anger?
....what is understood amidst confusion?
....what emptiness feels like?
....what your name means to someone else?
....what the world thinks of you?
....what the soul looks like?
....what wind tastes like?
....what can endure through fire?
....what loneliness really feels like?
....what the future holds for you?
....what sounds the blindness can make?
....what your person speaks of when they move?
....what the eye can truly reveal?
...I have....
The funny thing is that the list of wonders goes on and on...and it never ends. And neither does time as I understand, it keeps filling the emptiness of what we don't know with everything that we will ever wonder...
Oel ngáti kámeie
P.S. Avatar comes out, re-released in special edition on thursday night at midnight!
...have you ever wondered where I will be at that precise time....???
I don't have to wonder... ;)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Interesting thoughts....
....and they just keep coming, and I can't figure it out. Maybe I am just reading too much....maybe I am just paranoid....or maybe I am just dumb. I don't know, it might be more of the third than I would like to admit.
I know I don't get on here much, and I suppose I could justify it by saying I have my reasons and my means. And yet, I find myself here reporting not because I have some kind of twisted sense of loyalty to blogging or something...but rather because I have a stirring feeling that I should be on here sometimes.
I live here:

And yet it seems that more often than not I actually see this:

Its not because I make drives out to Alberta, but the people from there, drive here. But why does it appeal to me...and catch my attention every time there is one nearby??? The ironic thing is that there is nothing in Alberta for least not any more. What once was there, is now else where. What makes things more interesting is that on Sunday afternoon I found myself driving, wanting to take a drive somewhere nice like up the canyon. It is closed. There is a big FAT gate blocking the way and Titus can't get in to get up there...lame. Even more interesting is this, on the radio starts playing a song, "Get Busy" Good times, good memories I think to myself as the song is playing and as it comes to an end. Suddenly to make it far more interesting than it already was I hear this song "Come on get higher" What the heck just happened?!
That was the only thing that came to my head....I didn't know what to say, and I couldn't say anything. Coincidence is what it seemed to be, and maybe it is. Maybe it is paranoia, or once again maybe I am just dumb. In any case, it made me miss some dear friends...the reason I am on here writing this now, is because sunday was the day it happened, "fast sunday"....Yes I followed, and I still read. I try not to as often as I used to so I can keep a proper distance between memories and desires, but know that you are still in my heart felt thoughts.
The year is drawing to an end, and we just had our end of year dance concert and it was a winning success! The kids as usual have just gone beyond my expectations, and taught me that I can have faith and belief in them without caution. They are my students, and yet they are my teachers...I will miss this team when the year draws to its finality. God bless you Provo high JV, you are my heart...
And Reef, this is to you because you didn't make it to concert. YOUR FIRED! j/k bro, I still love ya! ;)
Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to watch a movie in the theater. I remember months ago when I saw the preview for this film and thinking to myself...Oh dear, that looks like it could really suck and then from there I had no real intention of seeing it. JJ and Mikell both insisted that I go see it with them, and so I did. It might be up there with one of the most beautiful and adorable movies I have ever seen.

How to train your dragon has become a part of my heart for some reason. I can't quite figure that out either. I love dragons...that might be it. I love great music...and that could def be a huge part of it too. I love the messages of good movies, and this film has it also. In short, adorable, cute, moving, enlightening, and over all just good! It is now up there on my recommended movies for all to see. I don't have a huge list for those films, but this is one of them.
I saw Avatar 26 times in the theater, and I know it is a bit ridiculous, but I did. Some how or another it just happened that way. I didn't have to pay for all of them, only like 10 times. And yes I know that is a lot too...but oh well. :)
For all my friends out there, I love you all dearly...
This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too...
Till we, in our innate sense of hope and wellness, seek for the lasting principles that will define the foundations of our desires, become those whom will be the vessels of true integrity...God bless and God speed...
....for it is the battle between our principles and our desires that define our integrity...
Vir Fusc
I know I don't get on here much, and I suppose I could justify it by saying I have my reasons and my means. And yet, I find myself here reporting not because I have some kind of twisted sense of loyalty to blogging or something...but rather because I have a stirring feeling that I should be on here sometimes.
I live here:
And yet it seems that more often than not I actually see this:

Its not because I make drives out to Alberta, but the people from there, drive here. But why does it appeal to me...and catch my attention every time there is one nearby??? The ironic thing is that there is nothing in Alberta for least not any more. What once was there, is now else where. What makes things more interesting is that on Sunday afternoon I found myself driving, wanting to take a drive somewhere nice like up the canyon. It is closed. There is a big FAT gate blocking the way and Titus can't get in to get up there...lame. Even more interesting is this, on the radio starts playing a song, "Get Busy" Good times, good memories I think to myself as the song is playing and as it comes to an end. Suddenly to make it far more interesting than it already was I hear this song "Come on get higher" What the heck just happened?!
That was the only thing that came to my head....I didn't know what to say, and I couldn't say anything. Coincidence is what it seemed to be, and maybe it is. Maybe it is paranoia, or once again maybe I am just dumb. In any case, it made me miss some dear friends...the reason I am on here writing this now, is because sunday was the day it happened, "fast sunday"....Yes I followed, and I still read. I try not to as often as I used to so I can keep a proper distance between memories and desires, but know that you are still in my heart felt thoughts.
The year is drawing to an end, and we just had our end of year dance concert and it was a winning success! The kids as usual have just gone beyond my expectations, and taught me that I can have faith and belief in them without caution. They are my students, and yet they are my teachers...I will miss this team when the year draws to its finality. God bless you Provo high JV, you are my heart...
And Reef, this is to you because you didn't make it to concert. YOUR FIRED! j/k bro, I still love ya! ;)
Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to watch a movie in the theater. I remember months ago when I saw the preview for this film and thinking to myself...Oh dear, that looks like it could really suck and then from there I had no real intention of seeing it. JJ and Mikell both insisted that I go see it with them, and so I did. It might be up there with one of the most beautiful and adorable movies I have ever seen.

How to train your dragon has become a part of my heart for some reason. I can't quite figure that out either. I love dragons...that might be it. I love great music...and that could def be a huge part of it too. I love the messages of good movies, and this film has it also. In short, adorable, cute, moving, enlightening, and over all just good! It is now up there on my recommended movies for all to see. I don't have a huge list for those films, but this is one of them.
I saw Avatar 26 times in the theater, and I know it is a bit ridiculous, but I did. Some how or another it just happened that way. I didn't have to pay for all of them, only like 10 times. And yes I know that is a lot too...but oh well. :)
For all my friends out there, I love you all dearly...
This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too...
Till we, in our innate sense of hope and wellness, seek for the lasting principles that will define the foundations of our desires, become those whom will be the vessels of true integrity...God bless and God speed...
....for it is the battle between our principles and our desires that define our integrity...
Vir Fusc
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Return of the Fusc...
....and what a return it was! So I know I haven't been able to update this, and there is reason, and I guess there is excuse as to why. I will tell and you can decide which is which...
So, last week I had the most incredible amount of things to do, in so LITTLE time. Just an over all busy week. I missed every session of General conference last weekend(which has never happened in my entire life), but it it did. Backing up a few days....
Friday I had a full day of teaching and then I had to judge battle of the bands. At first I was a little unsure of what to expect, and i didn't really want to do it. But I met the other two judges on the panel, and we all decided we had a lot in common, and we all felt a little better about judging the even.
Needless to say, there were some bands that did quite well(congrats to one of my own former students, Benjamin Xochimitl, who won the battle of bands as a solo act), and then there were some that just did not belong there at all...
We got done around 11 or so I think...and then I had to go home, and get ready for the prelim round of guard on saturday morning. Roy high school here we come! We had tremendous success during our season. As I mentioned in previous posts, we were bumped up two classes, and then we took fourth in prelim rounds out of 13 guards(largest class in in the association) which meant we were invited to participate in the state finals! We took 5th in finals! Congrats to the guard at provo who worked so hard to learn how to invest their hearts into their show! Way to go Provo!!!! I love you guys!
We got done late, and then had to drive home. Home came around 1:30 or 2:00am. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have to fix my luggage, do my laundry, and then get packed for the tour I was leaving on the next morning at 7:00am!
Home - 2:00am
Fixing luggage 2:19 - 3:27(I totally fixed it to perfection)
Laundry 2:12 - 4:39
Packing 2:40 - 4:51
Sleep 5:00 - 7:15
Loading the bus 7:50 - 8:30
On the road 9:00am
What a couple a two days eh?!
Tour was to long beach california where we boarded the Carnival Cruise Vessel "Paradise"

By far the most luxurious tour I have ever been on with my kids! 5 days of shows, lounging, shopping, diving, mexico, sea breezes, and of course, the after shocks of sea sickness!
I got home and it is now sunday afternoon and I am still feeling the wave movements in my brain, and if watched body still sways to the movement of the "sea" that is no longer here...
Feeling a little sick and woozy from time to time....I think everyone else was feeling it too when we got back...its quite the experience. If ever I was to get drunk, I think this is what it would feel like!
That is the update I have for you, and I am sure more will come when more comes in the ever exciting life of Vir Fusc!
God bless and God speed!
Oel ngáti kámeie
So, last week I had the most incredible amount of things to do, in so LITTLE time. Just an over all busy week. I missed every session of General conference last weekend(which has never happened in my entire life), but it it did. Backing up a few days....
Friday I had a full day of teaching and then I had to judge battle of the bands. At first I was a little unsure of what to expect, and i didn't really want to do it. But I met the other two judges on the panel, and we all decided we had a lot in common, and we all felt a little better about judging the even.
Needless to say, there were some bands that did quite well(congrats to one of my own former students, Benjamin Xochimitl, who won the battle of bands as a solo act), and then there were some that just did not belong there at all...
We got done around 11 or so I think...and then I had to go home, and get ready for the prelim round of guard on saturday morning. Roy high school here we come! We had tremendous success during our season. As I mentioned in previous posts, we were bumped up two classes, and then we took fourth in prelim rounds out of 13 guards(largest class in in the association) which meant we were invited to participate in the state finals! We took 5th in finals! Congrats to the guard at provo who worked so hard to learn how to invest their hearts into their show! Way to go Provo!!!! I love you guys!
We got done late, and then had to drive home. Home came around 1:30 or 2:00am. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have to fix my luggage, do my laundry, and then get packed for the tour I was leaving on the next morning at 7:00am!
Home - 2:00am
Fixing luggage 2:19 - 3:27(I totally fixed it to perfection)
Laundry 2:12 - 4:39
Packing 2:40 - 4:51
Sleep 5:00 - 7:15
Loading the bus 7:50 - 8:30
On the road 9:00am
What a couple a two days eh?!
Tour was to long beach california where we boarded the Carnival Cruise Vessel "Paradise"
By far the most luxurious tour I have ever been on with my kids! 5 days of shows, lounging, shopping, diving, mexico, sea breezes, and of course, the after shocks of sea sickness!
I got home and it is now sunday afternoon and I am still feeling the wave movements in my brain, and if watched body still sways to the movement of the "sea" that is no longer here...
Feeling a little sick and woozy from time to time....I think everyone else was feeling it too when we got back...its quite the experience. If ever I was to get drunk, I think this is what it would feel like!
That is the update I have for you, and I am sure more will come when more comes in the ever exciting life of Vir Fusc!
God bless and God speed!
Oel ngáti kámeie
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Checking in :)
Ok, so the last few weeks have been utterly trying and extremely busy! Choir, Guard, Ballroom, and life...
So in the last few competitions for guard we have had some ups and downs. From 4th place to 9th place, and then back to 4th it was sure a roller coaster ride but we made it. And now we are pushing for a placement at the next competition. If we are able to place we will be invited to attend the championship at Roy High School on April 3rd. I would say "here's to hoping" but then that would suggest that we are leaving it up to chance and not work. So here's to working! We have an unusual situation with the guard here...we have 16 on our team, and most of them have had no formal weapon training at all...and yet they come, and the diligently work and perform with their hearts and souls. They are learning how to become invested in the message they are portraying for those who watch us. The heart is so important in everything we do, I pray we who have claimed to have found it....will never lose will set us free.....
We also had the national competition for ballroom last week and needless to say, as it said on my facebook update..."nationals becomes a very long week in a very short time". But even so, long as it was, we sure had a great run as a JV team here at Provo high. We qualified for Division 1 latin which was a blow away for all of us here on the team including myself. Not that I didn't think we could, but it was a medley in its first year, and one of MY medleys none the less. I know my kids are all capable of achieving excellence, but I wonder about MY personal work...and if it is capable of division be rated among the best of choreography and teams in the nation. But we did it and I congratulate my kids for it! Well done! Also, we placed first it the division 2 Standard championships! National championship title, sure is a great thing to have under the belt! Again, great job to my ever amazing kids!
Choir has been a running adventure! Wow have I learned...the intricacies of a young musicians they think and how they operate. "Was I like this as a young man?" I often wondered as I was teaching choir.... I had the kids write an essay about them so I could read them. Nothing specific, just "Why?". It gave me an avenue to travel that was in direct correlation with the mind set of the kids in choir. It took me three weeks to finally learn how to meld in with the kids in choir...and after that? ....Magic started to happen. In the end, Chamber went to region festival, and against what seemed all odds and other incredibly talented choirs in the region we did our best. We went out on stage, looked them in the eye with a gaze that seemed to say, "WE ARE PROVO"
......we made state......
I knew they would, and they needed to know they could....and they did. To my choir students, God bless you for realizing where your potential sat dormant, and even more so for tapping in to that reserve. I know you will do amazing at state. I will be at state...listening. God Bless you.
I believe Life is in tune with the unusually unexpected...we laugh, we love, we hope, we try, we hurt, need, fear, and then we cry.....and through all these things of the unexpected and even unusual we find a sense of similarity between all of us...we desire those things that make us who we are. And even though we may end up in a slight sense of devastation, we yet desire then for what we become when we experience those things. And like I asked my choir kids....."Why?" And to the answer so simple and beautiful I must with my whole soul...agree.
Because it will set us free....for we are truly alive and free, when in the hands of someone we call dear...
So in the last few competitions for guard we have had some ups and downs. From 4th place to 9th place, and then back to 4th it was sure a roller coaster ride but we made it. And now we are pushing for a placement at the next competition. If we are able to place we will be invited to attend the championship at Roy High School on April 3rd. I would say "here's to hoping" but then that would suggest that we are leaving it up to chance and not work. So here's to working! We have an unusual situation with the guard here...we have 16 on our team, and most of them have had no formal weapon training at all...and yet they come, and the diligently work and perform with their hearts and souls. They are learning how to become invested in the message they are portraying for those who watch us. The heart is so important in everything we do, I pray we who have claimed to have found it....will never lose will set us free.....
We also had the national competition for ballroom last week and needless to say, as it said on my facebook update..."nationals becomes a very long week in a very short time". But even so, long as it was, we sure had a great run as a JV team here at Provo high. We qualified for Division 1 latin which was a blow away for all of us here on the team including myself. Not that I didn't think we could, but it was a medley in its first year, and one of MY medleys none the less. I know my kids are all capable of achieving excellence, but I wonder about MY personal work...and if it is capable of division be rated among the best of choreography and teams in the nation. But we did it and I congratulate my kids for it! Well done! Also, we placed first it the division 2 Standard championships! National championship title, sure is a great thing to have under the belt! Again, great job to my ever amazing kids!
Choir has been a running adventure! Wow have I learned...the intricacies of a young musicians they think and how they operate. "Was I like this as a young man?" I often wondered as I was teaching choir.... I had the kids write an essay about them so I could read them. Nothing specific, just "Why?". It gave me an avenue to travel that was in direct correlation with the mind set of the kids in choir. It took me three weeks to finally learn how to meld in with the kids in choir...and after that? ....Magic started to happen. In the end, Chamber went to region festival, and against what seemed all odds and other incredibly talented choirs in the region we did our best. We went out on stage, looked them in the eye with a gaze that seemed to say, "WE ARE PROVO"
......we made state......
I knew they would, and they needed to know they could....and they did. To my choir students, God bless you for realizing where your potential sat dormant, and even more so for tapping in to that reserve. I know you will do amazing at state. I will be at state...listening. God Bless you.
I believe Life is in tune with the unusually unexpected...we laugh, we love, we hope, we try, we hurt, need, fear, and then we cry.....and through all these things of the unexpected and even unusual we find a sense of similarity between all of us...we desire those things that make us who we are. And even though we may end up in a slight sense of devastation, we yet desire then for what we become when we experience those things. And like I asked my choir kids....."Why?" And to the answer so simple and beautiful I must with my whole soul...agree.
Because it will set us free....for we are truly alive and free, when in the hands of someone we call dear...
Monday, February 22, 2010
Extenuating weeks....
...have come since the start of the new semester here at Provo High. Dance, Choir, Band, and Guard have all but nearly consumed the part of existence we call life...but I love it, and that is why I keep on it.
When things in life come to mind, I am often taken to reflection...
Where was I in the grand scenery of accomplishment?
Have I come to the place I am supposed to be?
Am I become of the person who created me so?
Do I love, like I would hope to be loved?
...Are the memories of this life, written in the words, colors, and people that I would want to have endure for the eternities to come...?
God hold my heart, and make it so.
This is out to you, who have made the memories of my heart, I love you dearly! And my soul reaches out for you, for in your memory I find a I shall wear till I die. :)
Mrs. Garrett had her baby not too long ago, and she brought it in so I could see and meet her little Molly Garrett. What an adorable addition to a wonderful life! I looked at her as she spoke of her new infant, and in a moment I understood how her joy had become like a full cup running over. Finally I understood...the nine months she carried her unborn child had built something so dear and cherished in her life, and the evidence of it was written across her smile. I dont' know what it is like to bear a child, or to bring one in to this world...but i understand something I didn't know before.... That I will never understand until it is my turn...
Putting down to rest, the old individual that she used to be in order to become something she had never been became so clear to me...the time preparing to bring life, merged the lives of her and her husband, and the child becoming of the family. I understand that now...I know that she will never forget the momories of her past that make her who she is, but also that she needed to accept the things that were changing in her behalf.
I too will never forget memories that have place in my soul, people who had become a heart beat to me...but in the count down of days, I too realized that although I care deeply about my dear friends, it is not my place to care FOR them.
I wanted to so badly, to be part of the lives of those close to me...and now I am nearly sure that it will never be. Even so, my memories will will never be forgotten of those kind and dear to me...
...I will always love you, that will never change.
Hey Jack guess what?! I'm sure you already know, but you are going to be a big brother now! How cool are you?! Don't worry little brother, I will check in on you, and make sure that you are doing well, both you and your new brother!
Wave_writer, I wish you everything in your endeavors bro. You truly deserve it! I know you will do amazing things with the talents you have, and the opportunities you will be given. Don't doubt yourself...God didn't doubt you when he gave them to you.
And to all...Always remember, all things that can happen will...
...God Bless and God Speed...
When things in life come to mind, I am often taken to reflection...
Where was I in the grand scenery of accomplishment?
Have I come to the place I am supposed to be?
Am I become of the person who created me so?
Do I love, like I would hope to be loved?
...Are the memories of this life, written in the words, colors, and people that I would want to have endure for the eternities to come...?
God hold my heart, and make it so.
This is out to you, who have made the memories of my heart, I love you dearly! And my soul reaches out for you, for in your memory I find a I shall wear till I die. :)
Mrs. Garrett had her baby not too long ago, and she brought it in so I could see and meet her little Molly Garrett. What an adorable addition to a wonderful life! I looked at her as she spoke of her new infant, and in a moment I understood how her joy had become like a full cup running over. Finally I understood...the nine months she carried her unborn child had built something so dear and cherished in her life, and the evidence of it was written across her smile. I dont' know what it is like to bear a child, or to bring one in to this world...but i understand something I didn't know before.... That I will never understand until it is my turn...
Putting down to rest, the old individual that she used to be in order to become something she had never been became so clear to me...the time preparing to bring life, merged the lives of her and her husband, and the child becoming of the family. I understand that now...I know that she will never forget the momories of her past that make her who she is, but also that she needed to accept the things that were changing in her behalf.
I too will never forget memories that have place in my soul, people who had become a heart beat to me...but in the count down of days, I too realized that although I care deeply about my dear friends, it is not my place to care FOR them.
I wanted to so badly, to be part of the lives of those close to me...and now I am nearly sure that it will never be. Even so, my memories will will never be forgotten of those kind and dear to me...
...I will always love you, that will never change.
Hey Jack guess what?! I'm sure you already know, but you are going to be a big brother now! How cool are you?! Don't worry little brother, I will check in on you, and make sure that you are doing well, both you and your new brother!
Wave_writer, I wish you everything in your endeavors bro. You truly deserve it! I know you will do amazing things with the talents you have, and the opportunities you will be given. Don't doubt yourself...God didn't doubt you when he gave them to you.
And to all...Always remember, all things that can happen will...
...God Bless and God Speed...
Monday, February 1, 2010
11:41 the time I started to write this. I am here because somewhere in this heart beat is the will to write.
I just got done watching Armageddon here at my home. Great movie of hope, fear, trial, victory, and love. It moves here I am. I guess I now write so those things can grow in others like I think they grow in me. Not that I wish fears or trials on others, but rather the growth that comes from enduring them.
I love you all...dearly....
I just opened an email before getting on here, whilst I was watching the movie...Alegria, Cirque Du Soleil production is coming to Salt lake city, Utah. It will be the second show from cirque in one year that will be here for viewing at the E center. Needless to say, I am MORE than excited to see it. I opened the email, read what it contained, saw the name "Alegria" which means "jubilation" and for some reason my thoughts returned to you...
"Jubilation", or "extreme joy" is indeed what we all want or seek in this life...we all know that it is what we want. We all for the most part know why we want it, and yet as I have mentioned before in a previous post long ago, it is not the what or the why that makes life a challenge to live; It is the constant journey to and from the paradox of "HOW".
The road we walk is the "what", our stops are the "where's", our friends are the "who's", the memory's we obtain designate the "when's"...but what is it that makes the "how's" something that drives us to continue along the way?
Could the combination of "what's, where's, who's and when's" some how create the "how's" that teach us everything we need to know?
"Oel ngáti kámeie" or simply to say, "I see you" is something SO beautiful to me. When I recall to mind the who's, what's, where's, and when's, it is only then that the 'how' comes to mind...and there it is again. "Oel ngáti kámeie"... How could this have happened? How could I have done this? How could I be here? How could I accomplish all that I have? How are you still in my life? How am I a part of your life? Or am I at all? How is life to be lived? How does one keep hope? Hope for life, love, dreams, or this world? Oel ngáti kámeie...that is how. To see to see everything....
My kids have done well this season and to that I am proud. They took 3rd in both standard and latin medley. Provo High Varsity was 1st, extreme ballroom was 2nd, and Provo JV was 3rd. How proud I was to stand there among my kids whom I cherish so dearly...and watch them take their place among those who thought them incapable. Nights such as those make me truly proud to be their coach. Not because of anything I could do for them, but everything they did for themselves. They beat every other Varsity or A team that was there competing...
I love them...
Well, I must take my leave now I am trying this thing that some say is healthy for me...more sleep or some ridiculous idea like that. I don't know what people are thinking when they say such incongruous strings of vocabulary...and yet I feel inclined to listen...maybe they are on to something??? We shall see...until next we speak over the intellectual waves cyberspace...
Oel ngáti kámeie
I just got done watching Armageddon here at my home. Great movie of hope, fear, trial, victory, and love. It moves here I am. I guess I now write so those things can grow in others like I think they grow in me. Not that I wish fears or trials on others, but rather the growth that comes from enduring them.
I love you all...dearly....
I just opened an email before getting on here, whilst I was watching the movie...Alegria, Cirque Du Soleil production is coming to Salt lake city, Utah. It will be the second show from cirque in one year that will be here for viewing at the E center. Needless to say, I am MORE than excited to see it. I opened the email, read what it contained, saw the name "Alegria" which means "jubilation" and for some reason my thoughts returned to you...
"Jubilation", or "extreme joy" is indeed what we all want or seek in this life...we all know that it is what we want. We all for the most part know why we want it, and yet as I have mentioned before in a previous post long ago, it is not the what or the why that makes life a challenge to live; It is the constant journey to and from the paradox of "HOW".
The road we walk is the "what", our stops are the "where's", our friends are the "who's", the memory's we obtain designate the "when's"...but what is it that makes the "how's" something that drives us to continue along the way?
Could the combination of "what's, where's, who's and when's" some how create the "how's" that teach us everything we need to know?
"Oel ngáti kámeie" or simply to say, "I see you" is something SO beautiful to me. When I recall to mind the who's, what's, where's, and when's, it is only then that the 'how' comes to mind...and there it is again. "Oel ngáti kámeie"... How could this have happened? How could I have done this? How could I be here? How could I accomplish all that I have? How are you still in my life? How am I a part of your life? Or am I at all? How is life to be lived? How does one keep hope? Hope for life, love, dreams, or this world? Oel ngáti kámeie...that is how. To see to see everything....
My kids have done well this season and to that I am proud. They took 3rd in both standard and latin medley. Provo High Varsity was 1st, extreme ballroom was 2nd, and Provo JV was 3rd. How proud I was to stand there among my kids whom I cherish so dearly...and watch them take their place among those who thought them incapable. Nights such as those make me truly proud to be their coach. Not because of anything I could do for them, but everything they did for themselves. They beat every other Varsity or A team that was there competing...
I love them...
Well, I must take my leave now I am trying this thing that some say is healthy for me...more sleep or some ridiculous idea like that. I don't know what people are thinking when they say such incongruous strings of vocabulary...and yet I feel inclined to listen...maybe they are on to something??? We shall see...until next we speak over the intellectual waves cyberspace...
Oel ngáti kámeie
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Questions Un-answered.......
So one must always ask, if out of nothing more than curiosity, how many people actually read this thing. Aside from how many,is the more important question of 'who'? I don't know who reads this or how much it means to anyone...but for a time, knowing that this blog was being read, meant everything to me...
What's it it warm, or cold, is it over cast or sunny? To the common reader those questions would obviously refer to the weather, would it not? But it is not the weather of which I speak,it is the heart...
I speak those questions most importantly to my own heart...I recently bailed out of jail someone close to me. And to see that person released, walking with what seemed like shame before me, broke my heart. I couldn't determine why...inside I wanted so
desperately to be angry at this person...I wanted to unleash the burning fury that required me to relinquish my personal savings, which was not very much in the eyes of the world, to set this person free. Why should I have to take the earnings of my
labor, and place it at the feet of someone who seems to be so careless with their own life?
And then it hit me....'are you listening to yourself?','what are you saying?' I often like to think that I may have a heart inside me that deserves to keep beating in order to keep me alive...And then I catch myself in a state of thought that makes me feel like I have betrayed that heart. Is my heart so cold to think such cruel and hell bent thoughts? But wait it was warm and kind enough to perform that which was required to liberate someone from captivity....
Is my heart being over shadowed by something that causes me pain, doubt, and fear?
Or is it the element of light that brings hope,faith, and belief to others?
At times I think it has been all of the above.
I love this person. I do. My heart beats for the well being of this person, and thus
moved to help. But in result my heart was taken to anger, and disdain, because of
the things that were done. Is my heart two sided, or can it truly betray itself in the
thoughts that contradict each other? Can I wield both positive and negative emotions
at the same time? I don't know...
I have known myself to be one who, for the most part, acts upon the dictates of my heart....but what must I do when it feels like the dictates tell me to do two things that cannot be done. Either it must be one, or it must be the other...
On a different note, here are the recent events of the life of Vir Fusc(it means brown guy in Latin).
I still teach my two ballroom classes and coach the team at Provo High School, still assist with the symphonic band, I direct the color guard program, and now I teach four choir classes! Needless to say I think my teaching schedule has become incredibly busy...but as I have said before I think I like it that way. It keeps me busy, and therefore moving in mind and body.
My parents think I do too much, have too little time, and all my peers think I am insane because I sleep the usual 3 1/2ish hours a night to keep up with my schedule. Friends think I have no social life, but I do! It exists between the hours of 11pm and 1:30 which point i am at home, getting ready for bed :)
Dad think I am going to go to hell because I haven't found a wife yet. I explain that I am busy, and that I am not looking right now to find a wife. He insists that I am under the influence of the devil because only the devil would say such things, so he can keep me away from salvation. Perhaps he is right...I don't know.
Choir is doing well, getting ready for region festival and tour. Band is good, but it is smaller than it was last semester and struggling a bit. Ballroom is doing better than ever, and I am excited to kick off in the competition season; They should do pretty well this year! Winter guard is also doing quite well. At our evaluation they bumped us up two classes because the kids did so well.
Life, love, friends, trials, labors, knowledge....experience. I hope I am doing what I can to have the best experience, so that I may provide a good experience for those whom I serve...
God bless and God speed...
Oel ngáti kámeie...
What's it it warm, or cold, is it over cast or sunny? To the common reader those questions would obviously refer to the weather, would it not? But it is not the weather of which I speak,it is the heart...
I speak those questions most importantly to my own heart...I recently bailed out of jail someone close to me. And to see that person released, walking with what seemed like shame before me, broke my heart. I couldn't determine why...inside I wanted so
desperately to be angry at this person...I wanted to unleash the burning fury that required me to relinquish my personal savings, which was not very much in the eyes of the world, to set this person free. Why should I have to take the earnings of my
labor, and place it at the feet of someone who seems to be so careless with their own life?
And then it hit me....'are you listening to yourself?','what are you saying?' I often like to think that I may have a heart inside me that deserves to keep beating in order to keep me alive...And then I catch myself in a state of thought that makes me feel like I have betrayed that heart. Is my heart so cold to think such cruel and hell bent thoughts? But wait it was warm and kind enough to perform that which was required to liberate someone from captivity....
Is my heart being over shadowed by something that causes me pain, doubt, and fear?
Or is it the element of light that brings hope,faith, and belief to others?
At times I think it has been all of the above.
I love this person. I do. My heart beats for the well being of this person, and thus
moved to help. But in result my heart was taken to anger, and disdain, because of
the things that were done. Is my heart two sided, or can it truly betray itself in the
thoughts that contradict each other? Can I wield both positive and negative emotions
at the same time? I don't know...
I have known myself to be one who, for the most part, acts upon the dictates of my heart....but what must I do when it feels like the dictates tell me to do two things that cannot be done. Either it must be one, or it must be the other...
On a different note, here are the recent events of the life of Vir Fusc(it means brown guy in Latin).
I still teach my two ballroom classes and coach the team at Provo High School, still assist with the symphonic band, I direct the color guard program, and now I teach four choir classes! Needless to say I think my teaching schedule has become incredibly busy...but as I have said before I think I like it that way. It keeps me busy, and therefore moving in mind and body.
My parents think I do too much, have too little time, and all my peers think I am insane because I sleep the usual 3 1/2ish hours a night to keep up with my schedule. Friends think I have no social life, but I do! It exists between the hours of 11pm and 1:30 which point i am at home, getting ready for bed :)
Dad think I am going to go to hell because I haven't found a wife yet. I explain that I am busy, and that I am not looking right now to find a wife. He insists that I am under the influence of the devil because only the devil would say such things, so he can keep me away from salvation. Perhaps he is right...I don't know.
Choir is doing well, getting ready for region festival and tour. Band is good, but it is smaller than it was last semester and struggling a bit. Ballroom is doing better than ever, and I am excited to kick off in the competition season; They should do pretty well this year! Winter guard is also doing quite well. At our evaluation they bumped us up two classes because the kids did so well.
Life, love, friends, trials, labors, knowledge....experience. I hope I am doing what I can to have the best experience, so that I may provide a good experience for those whom I serve...
God bless and God speed...
Oel ngáti kámeie...
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A wish...
...that at some point I could call you, just to say Merry Christmas, and happy new year! I know I will not be able to, but know that I am wishing you the best, in all things. Love moves in your direction, from my soul.
I love you my dear friend,
God bless..
Checking in-
I love you my dear friend,
God bless..
Checking in-
...Might be the most beautiful word that has ever entered into my heart and mind.
This is my official review of the movie ‘Avatar’

Deep inside the mentality of the human being is something terrible. The drive to accomplish. Although it can serve a proper purpose in all things, it is very seldom that we see that drive put into use, by the best hearts in this world.
‘Avatar’ very well could be one of the best movies I have EVER seen, if not the best. Not because it has some of the most intense actions sequences, which if you know anything about me, you will know that I fancy a good action scene; and not because the CG was incredible, and not because the story was good. Although all of those things contribute to the success of a good film, those are not the reasons for which I designate this movie as such.
When I buy a film to add to my DVD collection, my purchases are not based on the top selling movies out at the time, nor are they based on the MPAA rating of the film either. They are based on the quality of the message within the movie. And if you have looked through my DVD collection, you know that every single one of my movies, regardless of rating, could be found being viewed when my mother is present; And this particular movie, will certainly be found among those when the time comes.
In the movie, the protagonist of the story hits it right on the head when he makes a statement: “If they have something we want, we make them our enemies, and can then justify actions to take war against them.’ I can’t say for sure if that is quote accurate word for word, but it is close. When humans want something, they take action to make enemies, and then feel proper in justifying further action to suppress and drive anyone who is an enemy.
The ‘Navi’ are an indigenous population of humanoids that live on the planet Pandora. “They are VERY hard to kill” says the colonel in the movie. But even more important than how hard they are to kill, is the reason they are there.
They believe to be connected to the flow of life on this particular planet through an entity called “The Tree of Souls”. It bonds the entire race of Navi, to the ancestors that have preceded them, and all those that will proceed them as well. They love the land, and though there are creatures of considerable might, strength, and danger…all things on Pandora are respected. Even when life is taken, a prayer is offered to the almighty deity, to receive the life force.
The Antagonist of the movie, is the idea, and action of war. Why? Because everything in the eyes of the human being is about money. Because a little mineral called unobtanium sells for $20M/kilo, these humans are willing to destroy, sacrifice, and murder in order to have it. They forced the Navi out of home tree, by destroying it. Then they moved in on the very “Tree of souls” in order to not just relocate the Navi, but to eliminate them. And for what…? Money.
The Navi stood to uphold the very value that maintains life, the creates life, and conjures appreciation of life, and they were nearly destroyed for it. They understood that “Tsaheylu”, or “the bond” of life, was the most important thing on Pandora, and they were willing to fight to protect it.
Human beings are considered to be the most sophisticated race on the planet. And yet, as such, we are the only race that will go to war for anything that will grant us a little more power or money, whether it be that humans fight over women, men, sex, land, money, greed, power, or anything else that we feel might be ‘advantageous’. But if humans could only realize that it is truly ‘Tsaheylu’ that makes us everything we are. But they don’t…it’s the drive, the same drive that moves us to accomplish, and achieve what ever is ‘needed’ that makes humans slaves to what has become the new human nature; pride.
I know some of you will have no desire to see this film, and to that I urge that you see it anyway, at least once. Reason being, this may be the most accurate depiction of the human mentality I have ever seen.
God help the human race...
Checking in…
This is my official review of the movie ‘Avatar’

Deep inside the mentality of the human being is something terrible. The drive to accomplish. Although it can serve a proper purpose in all things, it is very seldom that we see that drive put into use, by the best hearts in this world.
‘Avatar’ very well could be one of the best movies I have EVER seen, if not the best. Not because it has some of the most intense actions sequences, which if you know anything about me, you will know that I fancy a good action scene; and not because the CG was incredible, and not because the story was good. Although all of those things contribute to the success of a good film, those are not the reasons for which I designate this movie as such.
When I buy a film to add to my DVD collection, my purchases are not based on the top selling movies out at the time, nor are they based on the MPAA rating of the film either. They are based on the quality of the message within the movie. And if you have looked through my DVD collection, you know that every single one of my movies, regardless of rating, could be found being viewed when my mother is present; And this particular movie, will certainly be found among those when the time comes.
In the movie, the protagonist of the story hits it right on the head when he makes a statement: “If they have something we want, we make them our enemies, and can then justify actions to take war against them.’ I can’t say for sure if that is quote accurate word for word, but it is close. When humans want something, they take action to make enemies, and then feel proper in justifying further action to suppress and drive anyone who is an enemy.
The ‘Navi’ are an indigenous population of humanoids that live on the planet Pandora. “They are VERY hard to kill” says the colonel in the movie. But even more important than how hard they are to kill, is the reason they are there.
They believe to be connected to the flow of life on this particular planet through an entity called “The Tree of Souls”. It bonds the entire race of Navi, to the ancestors that have preceded them, and all those that will proceed them as well. They love the land, and though there are creatures of considerable might, strength, and danger…all things on Pandora are respected. Even when life is taken, a prayer is offered to the almighty deity, to receive the life force.
The Antagonist of the movie, is the idea, and action of war. Why? Because everything in the eyes of the human being is about money. Because a little mineral called unobtanium sells for $20M/kilo, these humans are willing to destroy, sacrifice, and murder in order to have it. They forced the Navi out of home tree, by destroying it. Then they moved in on the very “Tree of souls” in order to not just relocate the Navi, but to eliminate them. And for what…? Money.
The Navi stood to uphold the very value that maintains life, the creates life, and conjures appreciation of life, and they were nearly destroyed for it. They understood that “Tsaheylu”, or “the bond” of life, was the most important thing on Pandora, and they were willing to fight to protect it.
Human beings are considered to be the most sophisticated race on the planet. And yet, as such, we are the only race that will go to war for anything that will grant us a little more power or money, whether it be that humans fight over women, men, sex, land, money, greed, power, or anything else that we feel might be ‘advantageous’. But if humans could only realize that it is truly ‘Tsaheylu’ that makes us everything we are. But they don’t…it’s the drive, the same drive that moves us to accomplish, and achieve what ever is ‘needed’ that makes humans slaves to what has become the new human nature; pride.
I know some of you will have no desire to see this film, and to that I urge that you see it anyway, at least once. Reason being, this may be the most accurate depiction of the human mentality I have ever seen.
God help the human race...
Checking in…
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The 6th...
...sense is always an interesting subject of discussion. Some think its not real, many are terrified of its possible existence, and very few are even willing to test its presence. So I offer some insight, that might alter views and perceptions. Whether it does or does not, makes not difference to me.
Before serving a full time LDS mission, my mother did a couple things to help me prepare that at the time I thought were completely illogical, and quite ridiculous.
First, She sent me packing on a flight with a full size blanket and sheet set. I mean a big, thick, near comforter size blanket. Ridiculous right? I mean, I was going to Jamaica where the BAD winters might get down to a terrible 72 degrees or so. After a few weeks there and into the winter season, my body became climatized, and I indeed began to freeze there...I used that set my whole mission!
Thank you mother for sending me prepared.
Second, She packed my luggage with 12 extra shirts that I knew was just extra baggage that I wasn't going to need. I hated moving them out of the way every time I needed to repack or unpack in new areas. Little did I know how those would help me in the long run. I gave every single new shirt away to priesthood members that I had the privilege of baptizing down there. Was it coincidence? Or perhaps the evidential existence of what we call 'the 6th sense'?
Again, Thank you mother for sending me prepared.
And so in retrospect, I came up with things that I know I have developed in this life that also might share some insight into this idea.
Take the primary 5(in no specific order) and consider what they do.
1. Hear: To listen and convert the 'noise' of the world into messages understood by the brain
2. Smell: To breath in with the nose the fragrance of the world and convert the aromas into messages understood by the brain
3. Touch: To feel with the flesh the textures of the world and convert contact into messages understood by the brain.
4. Taste: To place something on the tongue and convert the characteristics of the world into messages understood by the brain.
5. Sight: To look at the world and convert color, depth, and object into messages understood by the brain.
But what if you could HEAR the colors, depth, and objects; SMELL the characteristics; TOUCH the noise; TASTE the fragrance; or LOOK at and interpret the textures by sight... Would this not constitute what we distinguish as possible evidence of 'the 6th sense'?
The interchangeable use of the primary senses, is a power that few are truly able to develop and use. That ability gives an intuitive perspective of the world we live in, and allows us to interpret primary signals into what many, if not most, would delegate as "wow" moments, simply because it seems as though some incredible feat was accomplished.
Consider the following:
- To hear the mountains and in result, smell a storm.
- To smell a stream and know before you taste the water that it runs from a pure spring.
- To taste a good meal simply by touching it with your hands.
- To touch a railroad line and know before sight could ever confirm that a train is indeed coming.
- To see a clear path by no other means than by listening...
One thing i know for don't need eyes to see...or ears to hear...or hands to feel...
These are small examples of the institution of 'the 6th sense'.
I hear mothers have the most exceptional development of this sensory perception. Most of the general world seems to fear and cower over the idea of "ESP" or extra sensory perception. Why should we be afraid of it? I know I will never be a mother, but I do wish to have the sensory capabilities that I know my mother has demonstrated in my behalf and in behalf of my safety and well being.
To all mothers out there, God bless you
Checking in...
Before serving a full time LDS mission, my mother did a couple things to help me prepare that at the time I thought were completely illogical, and quite ridiculous.
First, She sent me packing on a flight with a full size blanket and sheet set. I mean a big, thick, near comforter size blanket. Ridiculous right? I mean, I was going to Jamaica where the BAD winters might get down to a terrible 72 degrees or so. After a few weeks there and into the winter season, my body became climatized, and I indeed began to freeze there...I used that set my whole mission!
Thank you mother for sending me prepared.
Second, She packed my luggage with 12 extra shirts that I knew was just extra baggage that I wasn't going to need. I hated moving them out of the way every time I needed to repack or unpack in new areas. Little did I know how those would help me in the long run. I gave every single new shirt away to priesthood members that I had the privilege of baptizing down there. Was it coincidence? Or perhaps the evidential existence of what we call 'the 6th sense'?
Again, Thank you mother for sending me prepared.
And so in retrospect, I came up with things that I know I have developed in this life that also might share some insight into this idea.
Take the primary 5(in no specific order) and consider what they do.
1. Hear: To listen and convert the 'noise' of the world into messages understood by the brain
2. Smell: To breath in with the nose the fragrance of the world and convert the aromas into messages understood by the brain
3. Touch: To feel with the flesh the textures of the world and convert contact into messages understood by the brain.
4. Taste: To place something on the tongue and convert the characteristics of the world into messages understood by the brain.
5. Sight: To look at the world and convert color, depth, and object into messages understood by the brain.
But what if you could HEAR the colors, depth, and objects; SMELL the characteristics; TOUCH the noise; TASTE the fragrance; or LOOK at and interpret the textures by sight... Would this not constitute what we distinguish as possible evidence of 'the 6th sense'?
The interchangeable use of the primary senses, is a power that few are truly able to develop and use. That ability gives an intuitive perspective of the world we live in, and allows us to interpret primary signals into what many, if not most, would delegate as "wow" moments, simply because it seems as though some incredible feat was accomplished.
Consider the following:
- To hear the mountains and in result, smell a storm.
- To smell a stream and know before you taste the water that it runs from a pure spring.
- To taste a good meal simply by touching it with your hands.
- To touch a railroad line and know before sight could ever confirm that a train is indeed coming.
- To see a clear path by no other means than by listening...
One thing i know for don't need eyes to see...or ears to hear...or hands to feel...
These are small examples of the institution of 'the 6th sense'.
I hear mothers have the most exceptional development of this sensory perception. Most of the general world seems to fear and cower over the idea of "ESP" or extra sensory perception. Why should we be afraid of it? I know I will never be a mother, but I do wish to have the sensory capabilities that I know my mother has demonstrated in my behalf and in behalf of my safety and well being.
To all mothers out there, God bless you
Checking in...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
...And no I am not talking about a limited liability practice or anything like that, I am simply talking about "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
How is it that A.J. knew to write that in the D.O.I.? I wonder what it means...and what it is exactly...
After many long hours, deep contemplation, steady meditation, here is what I have come up with:
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is alive only in ones heart...Life is given within every solitary beat that indeed proclaims I am alive. Liberty is exercised within every breath that fills my lungs! To inhale the very freedom that delegates the capability of our voices, allows us continuity of comfort by speaking...and how comfortable it is to speak with one, or many, that we find dear...the ones we share heart beats with.
And finally...the pursuit of happiness. The it a road we travel, or a path we are creating? Is it a job, career, house or income? Is it a person? Or perhaps an idea...?
All these things make me feel what I understand to be happiness. Memory, people, place, involvement, and you.....All things delegate what makes me happy...
Checking in....
How is it that A.J. knew to write that in the D.O.I.? I wonder what it means...and what it is exactly...
After many long hours, deep contemplation, steady meditation, here is what I have come up with:
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is alive only in ones heart...Life is given within every solitary beat that indeed proclaims I am alive. Liberty is exercised within every breath that fills my lungs! To inhale the very freedom that delegates the capability of our voices, allows us continuity of comfort by speaking...and how comfortable it is to speak with one, or many, that we find dear...the ones we share heart beats with.
And finally...the pursuit of happiness. The it a road we travel, or a path we are creating? Is it a job, career, house or income? Is it a person? Or perhaps an idea...?
All these things make me feel what I understand to be happiness. Memory, people, place, involvement, and you.....All things delegate what makes me happy...
Checking in....
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Checking in, December 5
I never quite understand why the things happen the way they do...all I know is that when in need there has always come a way that I could be provided for.
Its Christmas season, and I have done a good deal of shopping and most of it is done! Happy day! However, with the economic downfall ever in progress, jobs are looking more and more scarce. Sad day when we come to such things...
In the positive note, referring to earlier in the post, I have been watched over so well, that it would be foolish to say there has not been a higher power at work in my behalf.
I am the assistant program director of the Provo high ballroom program, the assistant director of the symphonic band at provo high, the color guard director at provo high, and starting next week as observation, and officially at the term end IN january, I will be taking over the choir program in place of the usual teacher who will be taking maternity leave for 6-8 weeks.
Here is how the rundown looks for the spring season:
January - March Competitive ballroom season including the nationals at BYU
January - April Competitive winter guard season including State championships at west high school.
January - March Choir Festival season including region here in utah.
January - March Musical(Fantasticks) at provo high.
Needless to say I think I am going to be EXTREMELY busy over the next several months...
People ask me how I do so much, and why?
All I can tell them is that I am in a place where I have turned everything inside off, and I like it that way. I keep myself busy enough that there is no place for things like least not right now...
Everything is well, and I hope you know that I would only speak the truth.
B, it makes me happy that things are well for you. Congrats again on the new life! I am truly happy for you! :-)
I wish you the most very merry Christmas!
Checking in...
Its Christmas season, and I have done a good deal of shopping and most of it is done! Happy day! However, with the economic downfall ever in progress, jobs are looking more and more scarce. Sad day when we come to such things...
In the positive note, referring to earlier in the post, I have been watched over so well, that it would be foolish to say there has not been a higher power at work in my behalf.
I am the assistant program director of the Provo high ballroom program, the assistant director of the symphonic band at provo high, the color guard director at provo high, and starting next week as observation, and officially at the term end IN january, I will be taking over the choir program in place of the usual teacher who will be taking maternity leave for 6-8 weeks.
Here is how the rundown looks for the spring season:
January - March Competitive ballroom season including the nationals at BYU
January - April Competitive winter guard season including State championships at west high school.
January - March Choir Festival season including region here in utah.
January - March Musical(Fantasticks) at provo high.
Needless to say I think I am going to be EXTREMELY busy over the next several months...
People ask me how I do so much, and why?
All I can tell them is that I am in a place where I have turned everything inside off, and I like it that way. I keep myself busy enough that there is no place for things like least not right now...
Everything is well, and I hope you know that I would only speak the truth.
B, it makes me happy that things are well for you. Congrats again on the new life! I am truly happy for you! :-)
I wish you the most very merry Christmas!
Checking in...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Future...
If you knew that your future would effect someone else's future, would you tell that other person, or just let the chips lay where they fall?
Who wants a go with this one? Interesting as it is, that this question is on my mind...
Most people think time is like a river, flowing swift and sure in one direction. But I can tell you they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm...and we are the elements...
If you behold the ocean in its tranquil and serene state, it is vast, deep, cold and possessive, and most important full of life. Within the depths of waters you will find that the serenity remains, and the tranquility of life is sustained. But above, the face of the deep is tossed and thrown according to the elements.
Time, the future, is then disrupted by the elements of the storm.
If we as elements of the storm can effect the ocean, one must ask: Why? If we knew what we could do, and the effects of those actions, would we really do them?
If I were the traffic light controlling the flow of traffic, am I really controlling it? Or am I just hoping to control it? It is established in place to maintain order...but someone, anyone can disrupt it at any time, making residual effects in front, and behind.
Time in the ocean is the same...would I act knowing that those deeds would effect the future pools of those around me... heart says yes...
Who wants a go with this one? Interesting as it is, that this question is on my mind...
Most people think time is like a river, flowing swift and sure in one direction. But I can tell you they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm...and we are the elements...
If you behold the ocean in its tranquil and serene state, it is vast, deep, cold and possessive, and most important full of life. Within the depths of waters you will find that the serenity remains, and the tranquility of life is sustained. But above, the face of the deep is tossed and thrown according to the elements.
Time, the future, is then disrupted by the elements of the storm.
If we as elements of the storm can effect the ocean, one must ask: Why? If we knew what we could do, and the effects of those actions, would we really do them?
If I were the traffic light controlling the flow of traffic, am I really controlling it? Or am I just hoping to control it? It is established in place to maintain order...but someone, anyone can disrupt it at any time, making residual effects in front, and behind.
Time in the ocean is the same...would I act knowing that those deeds would effect the future pools of those around me... heart says yes...
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