Reaching out to you...if you want to be reached....

This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too. Lost from everything, and yet hopefully found, I shall wait. God keep you, for God loves do I...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The latest writ, based on a simple concept....

Today is the day, When the world will see...
How the vision of the unseen Is quite extraordinary.

To see the wind, Or taste the sound
And know in your heart The soul has been found.

It is not love Of that which I speak
But rather the soul In times that it's weak.

For in those moments When weakest we seem,
We see the visions of Our most longing dream.

Hearts full of hope To venture we dare,
To build from our dream A reality somewhere.

But struggling we try And with no avail
The hope we once had We find we could sell...

For a moment or two We lost in the past;
Fooled by the time We thought that would last.

Taken by breath And left then with none,
Ours visions collapse For strength they have none.

Stripped of desire, Passion, and will
Our hearts turn to madness...Silent and still.

Though the room it be taut, With voices anew;
But What's left of hope, Is dwindling and few...

For unseen I know, Is the future i see.
If i truly believe that...Than extraordinary... could be.

From the bondage arise And the chains you will see,
That shattered with new hopes, You soon shall break free.

Alas it is mine, to know once again
That dreams are alive but I must begin.

To reach for the breath I need to live
And learn in my days The world to forgive.

Blame not the lives Of those gone before,
For the emptiness I have Can be gone, it is sure.

Then live, smile, breath, and see,
that the unknown and unseen.... truly extraordinary.