I know I don't get on here much, and I suppose I could justify it by saying I have my reasons and my means. And yet, I find myself here reporting not because I have some kind of twisted sense of loyalty to blogging or something...but rather because I have a stirring feeling that I should be on here sometimes.
I live here:
And yet it seems that more often than not I actually see this:

Its not because I make drives out to Alberta, but the people from there, drive here. But why does it appeal to me...and catch my attention every time there is one nearby??? The ironic thing is that there is nothing in Alberta for me...at least not any more. What once was there, is now else where. What makes things more interesting is that on Sunday afternoon I found myself driving, wanting to take a drive somewhere nice like up the canyon. It is closed. There is a big FAT gate blocking the way and Titus can't get in to get up there...lame. Even more interesting is this, on the radio starts playing a song, "Get Busy" Good times, good memories I think to myself as the song is playing and as it comes to an end. Suddenly to make it far more interesting than it already was I hear this song "Come on get higher" What the heck just happened?!
That was the only thing that came to my head....I didn't know what to say, and I couldn't say anything. Coincidence is what it seemed to be, and maybe it is. Maybe it is paranoia, or once again maybe I am just dumb. In any case, it made me miss some dear friends...the reason I am on here writing this now, is because sunday was the day it happened, "fast sunday"....Yes I followed, and I still read. I try not to as often as I used to so I can keep a proper distance between memories and desires, but know that you are still in my heart felt thoughts.
The year is drawing to an end, and we just had our end of year dance concert and it was a winning success! The kids as usual have just gone beyond my expectations, and taught me that I can have faith and belief in them without caution. They are my students, and yet they are my teachers...I will miss this team when the year draws to its finality. God bless you Provo high JV, you are my heart...
And Reef, this is to you because you didn't make it to concert. YOUR FIRED! j/k bro, I still love ya! ;)
Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to watch a movie in the theater. I remember months ago when I saw the preview for this film and thinking to myself...Oh dear, that looks like it could really suck and then from there I had no real intention of seeing it. JJ and Mikell both insisted that I go see it with them, and so I did. It might be up there with one of the most beautiful and adorable movies I have ever seen.

How to train your dragon has become a part of my heart for some reason. I can't quite figure that out either. I love dragons...that might be it. I love great music...and that could def be a huge part of it too. I love the messages of good movies, and this film has it also. In short, adorable, cute, moving, enlightening, and over all just good! It is now up there on my recommended movies for all to see. I don't have a huge list for those films, but this is one of them.
I saw Avatar 26 times in the theater, and I know it is a bit ridiculous, but I did. Some how or another it just happened that way. I didn't have to pay for all of them, only like 10 times. And yes I know that is a lot too...but oh well. :)
For all my friends out there, I love you all dearly...
This is for you...because somewhere in the world I live in, I know you live too...
Till we, in our innate sense of hope and wellness, seek for the lasting principles that will define the foundations of our desires, become those whom will be the vessels of true integrity...God bless and God speed...
....for it is the battle between our principles and our desires that define our integrity...
Vir Fusc