So, last week I had the most incredible amount of things to do, in so LITTLE time. Just an over all busy week. I missed every session of General conference last weekend(which has never happened in my entire life), but it it did. Backing up a few days....
Friday I had a full day of teaching and then I had to judge battle of the bands. At first I was a little unsure of what to expect, and i didn't really want to do it. But I met the other two judges on the panel, and we all decided we had a lot in common, and we all felt a little better about judging the even.
Needless to say, there were some bands that did quite well(congrats to one of my own former students, Benjamin Xochimitl, who won the battle of bands as a solo act), and then there were some that just did not belong there at all...
We got done around 11 or so I think...and then I had to go home, and get ready for the prelim round of guard on saturday morning. Roy high school here we come! We had tremendous success during our season. As I mentioned in previous posts, we were bumped up two classes, and then we took fourth in prelim rounds out of 13 guards(largest class in in the association) which meant we were invited to participate in the state finals! We took 5th in finals! Congrats to the guard at provo who worked so hard to learn how to invest their hearts into their show! Way to go Provo!!!! I love you guys!
We got done late, and then had to drive home. Home came around 1:30 or 2:00am. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have to fix my luggage, do my laundry, and then get packed for the tour I was leaving on the next morning at 7:00am!
Home - 2:00am
Fixing luggage 2:19 - 3:27(I totally fixed it to perfection)
Laundry 2:12 - 4:39
Packing 2:40 - 4:51
Sleep 5:00 - 7:15
Loading the bus 7:50 - 8:30
On the road 9:00am
What a couple a two days eh?!
Tour was to long beach california where we boarded the Carnival Cruise Vessel "Paradise"
By far the most luxurious tour I have ever been on with my kids! 5 days of shows, lounging, shopping, diving, mexico, sea breezes, and of course, the after shocks of sea sickness!
I got home and it is now sunday afternoon and I am still feeling the wave movements in my brain, and if watched body still sways to the movement of the "sea" that is no longer here...
Feeling a little sick and woozy from time to time....I think everyone else was feeling it too when we got back...its quite the experience. If ever I was to get drunk, I think this is what it would feel like!
That is the update I have for you, and I am sure more will come when more comes in the ever exciting life of Vir Fusc!
God bless and God speed!
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